There are probably 30 years of allegations pending, something will stick and he will end up like Harvey Weinstein

They said Cassie is planning to write a book. He might as well become St.Francis Assisi and dedicate his life to God because for the outside world he's a permanent pariah. Diddy had a God-Complex, he believed he was invincible, every time he got away with something that God-Complex grew stronger and stronger until it took over his personality. If there is any positive future it's committing to personal growth for himself and his kids.
Power corrupts absolutely. I hope men and breh's particularly are learning as the wise should. Power and status reveal who you are, a man must must become clear about his values and morality in the dark and develop an inner life before you are tested. Who knows what position you will be in 10 years, life takes surprising turns, a man need to be very conscious of his ego, desire and spirit.