I walk around a little edgy already
Puff lawyers failed him
Sexual predator and gay are not synonymous.Be gay Brehs...
A default judgment is made when either party in a case fails to take action, either by not responding to a summons or failure to appear in court. According to the court documents, neither appearances nor answers have been filed on behalf of Diddy in the case.
"This man is a convicted felon and sexual predator, who has been sentenced on 14 counts of sexual assault and kidnapping over the last 26 years," Diddy's attorney Marc Agnifilo wrote in a statement to USA TODAY Tuesday. "His resume now includes committing a (sic) fraud on the court from prison, as Mr. Combs has never heard of him let alone been served with any lawsuit. Mr. Combs looks forward to having this judgment swiftly dismissed."
That’s not what was publicized initially, according to initial reports he ignored the summons and the female in question won the case by default. It’s after the fact that she won then his team came with a reason.
The Game Must Pay $7M in Damages After Losing Bid for New Sexual Assault Trial
The rapper known as The Game must pay $7.1 million in damages to a reality dating show contestant after a jury found him liable for sexual battery in connection with an off-camera date, as an Illinois federal appeals court on Thursday found he doesn't deserve a new
Combs is not the only prominent defendant named in one of those lawsuits. Another is the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Detroit, in a lawsuit alleging that two of the organization’s priests as well as one of its lay employees sexually abused Cardello-Smith between 1979 – when he was about seven years old – and 1993.
Wait whatIt seems like dude faked the proof of service. He gonna get additional jail time and the judgment will be appealed/thrown out.