Did he ever tell her about that? I can't recall offhand![]()
Hit her with the confessions in his Mom's crib...
This is my confession,
The dark side is in me,
Killed some Tusken brides, and little ones in their sleep,
Did he ever tell her about that? I can't recall offhand![]()
It wasn't the actors.. it just the directing. Lucas shoulda got help with prequel trilogy
What turned him was that he was a mix of him not being to cut off emotional ties (reason why they took babies), Palpatine's manipulation (Anakin was a fatherless impressionable teenager with no one to relate to in the Order. Palpatine filled that void), he's mother was killed (and probably raped) and he blamed it own himself, and then envisioning Padme dying had him in search for more power to prevent that. Anakin got more reasons than the typical comic book villain for turning bad, imoAnakin and his turn was the most botched aspect of the prequels.
In Phantom Menace he's not AS bad as people make him seem. He's probably the most likable in that film, the main problem being the dialog is bad and seems like it's written for a much younger child. The child actor wasn't very good which also hurt the character, he's supposed to come across as precocious but instead come across as a high functioning kid with aspergers.
Attack of the clones is where Lucas REALLY fukks up with Anakin. The biggest flaw here is that as a young padawan Anakin is CLEARLY fukked up in the head and emotionally. He just goes on emotional and whiny tangents out of nowhere and nobody seems to acknowledge it. Padme in particular sees him throw fits on two separate occasions where he talks about hating Obi Wan and killing sand people and she just stares at him blankly. Yoda is another one that sees that Anakin is unstable but never does anything about it, he senses Anakin in pain and full of rage from light years away and its' never followed up on. Anakin is his least sympathetic in this film, we're never given a reason to root for or even like him, he just doesn't seem like a good person. He seems more like that rich kid who feels entitled to everything and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Revenge of the Sith is a mixed bag. On one hand we do see that Anakin has matured a bit from his younger days, we get a slightly better feel for him as war hero (but not much), and we do see that he genuinely loves Padme. The biggest issue in this film is that even after 2 films Anakin still doesn't resemble the great Jedi or kind man that Obi Wan told us he was in A New Hope. His turn doesn't seem very shocking or feel very painful because we've already seen how unstable he was in Attack of the Clones. There's also the issue of how easily he turns, we never see him struggle with the decision to turn on the Jedi and become a Sith. The most we get is that scene in Palpatine's office where he looks he's constipated or high off bath salts, after helping kill Windu he shows brief regret then immediately turns and kneels before Palpatine.
The reasoning for Anakin's turn was also rather weak. Dude had a dream about Padme dying and that's what pushed him over the edge? His turn needed to be slower and much less obvious. It was also a mistake to have him cross the line and start killing people so early, that should have been the final line he crossed and it shouldn't have been another Jedi that he killed.
What's funny is that Anakin/Vader is much more sympathetic in the Clone Wars cartoon and in the Star Wars Marvel comic.
That has never existed in SW universe,What turned him was that he was a mix of him not being to cut off emotional ties (reason why they took babies), Palpatine's manipulation (Anakin was a fatherless impressionable teenager with no one to relate to in the Order. Palpatine filled that void), he's mother was killed (and probably raped) and he blamed it own himself, and then envisioning Padme dying had him in search for more power to prevent that. Anakin got more reasons than the typical comic book villain for turning bad, imo
What turned him was that he was a mix of him not being to cut off emotional ties (reason why they took babies), Palpatine's manipulation (Anakin was a fatherless impressionable teenager with no one to relate to in the Order. Palpatine filled that void), he's mother was killed (and probably raped) and he blamed it own himself, and then envisioning Padme dying had him in search for more power to prevent that. Anakin got more reasons than the typical comic book villain for turning bad, imo
What turned him was that he was a mix of him not being to cut off emotional ties (reason why they took babies), Palpatine's manipulation (Anakin was a fatherless impressionable teenager with no one to relate to in the Order. Palpatine filled that void), he's mother was killed (and probably raped) and he blamed it own himself, and then envisioning Padme dying had him in search for more power to prevent that. Anakin got more reasons than the typical comic book villain for turning bad, imo