This match was the turning point in wcw vs wwf for me. Saw this match and finally was like.."yea wcw isnt better anymore"..
This match gave mick the belt..he deserved it too. I actually felt bad and i went into the match wanting to see him get destroyed so I was also in shock like the others have stated..I thought itd be micks last match and that wwf was screwing him by booking the punishment to him that they did. Thought it was a contract dispute honestly cuz I just didnt get it. This match actually forever made taker a heel to me, especially in light of the fact that he didnt get nearly the damage that mick got...didnt know bout that broken ankle..sounds revisionist
His whole career was justified by the greatness of this match, and it was a shrewd move by mick to go through with it all at the end of the day, but those injuries during the match