Found this:
Even though the fall from the cage was planned and well executed, Terry Funk and Vince McMahon broke kayfabe at the time, both were involved in feuds with Mankind to come down ringside and check on Foley's condition. Later, Foley would claim that he had introduced the idea of the throw from the top of the cage earlier in the day; the wrestler portraying Undertaker, Mark Calaway, at first resisted, asking him, "Mick, do you want to die?", but reluctantly agreed.
As he was being wheeled up the aisle, Mankind got off of the gurney, and, despite a dislocated shoulder, walked back towards the ring and climbed back on top of the cage, much to the delight of the fans. The match continued, even though the roof of the cage was buckling under both of them with every step they took.
Mankind's second fall through the roof of the CellDuring the ensuing fight, The Undertaker chokeslammed Mankind on the roof of the cage. Unlike the throw from the top of the cell, what happened next was not planned or even anticipated by either Foley or Calaway, as the section of the cage roof that Foley landed on gave way and Foley fell hard into the ring where he suffered a concussion and was knocked out cold for around a minute and a half. Power Slam wrestling magazine claims that this second fall was also planned, and in Have A Nice Day, Foley does not specifically claim that this was unplanned, and he also states that he and Calaway hoped that it might cause a slight break in the cage. The weight from the two wrestlers (almost 600 pounds) on top of the cage both before and after Foley's fall was said to be a key reason for the collapse of the cage. Making matters worse, the ring was one of the older style rings used by the WWF, which had less give to its surface so as to make the matches more realistic looking on television. In addition to the fall, a steel chair lying on the roof of the cage fell through and struck Foley in the face, dislocating his jaw and knocking out one and a half teeth as well as creating a large cut beneath his lip
EDIT: In the end, the match left Foley with a dislocated jaw, a dislocated shoulder, a bruised kidney, 2 broken ribs, one and a half missing teeth, a concussion, and 14 stitches for the cut beneath his lip. He took 2 months to recover, and the match almost certainly helped shorten his active wrestling career.