Allah, I mean Clarence Smith was also declared legally insane. I still have the old F.E.D.S. magazine with him on the cover talking about him.5% was the concept of Clarence 13x who later said that "knowledge be born" and called himself Allah.... Then he had his "first borns" in Mecca(Harlem) very interesting concepts indeed. While he was never known to speak of "nation of gods and earths" himself....after he went "back to the essence" ..........few years later a few of his 5% came to return the "fathers" lessons.... And called themselves the NGE.
Allah, I mean Clarence Smith was also declared legally insane. I still have the old F.E.D.S. magazine with him on the cover talking about him.
I thought he was talking about NOI, thats what i hear being referred to as 'The Nation', and i know about the Nation of Gods and Earths, lol at you attempting to school me get outta here.
You're being overly sensitive, b. Wasn't nobody trying to school you, but if you knew, like you said...then you wouldn't have assumed he was talking about the NOI in a thread obviously titled about 5%ers. A cat refers to the Nation, and you trying to school HIM is where you went wrong. Lmao. nikkas so petty they can't accept simple mistakes without trying to throw a jab. I hear you breh.
I'm not slandering him, I'm just stating a fact which you have acknowledged.Bruh.....don't slander Father Allah
Dude anybody declaring themselves GOD was viewed as insane
i remember as a youngster entering college my pop wanted me COMMITED when i claimd GODBODY
Same thing with my friend (a-alike) even though we both turned out to be very productive as well as successful. businessesmen as well as good fathers.
its just that this concept was so foriegn to the non esoteric masses
Especially here in the south a lot of these bible thumping broads wasn't trying. to hear that
even though most of thier daddiies were masons..shriners and pastors (10%} who knew and acknowledged this SECRETLY
Like my ex who use to chastise me for claiming GODBODY
yet as i reminded her YO DADDY PLAYS "G.O.D" EVERY MONDAY AT HIS LODGE meetings with the RITE OF PERFECTION (32')
Allah, I mean Clarence Smith was also declared legally insane. I still have the old F.E.D.S. magazine with him on the cover talking about him.
Bruh.....don't slander Father Allah
Dude anybody declaring themselves GOD was viewed as insane
Any nikka who was in his teens in the early to mid 00s in NY had to become a blood at some point...
They did. You have a lot of Blood gang members due in part to Dipset, Game and Lil Wayne promoting them all around the same time. If Cam could make Pink fashionable, then it's not far fetched to think that they couldn't make red/Bloods popular as well. Hip Hop is very powerful!Nah shyt sounded way too cultish, and till this day I see islam as an arab thing.
But dipset for me at least made bloods very fashionable.
When LA dudes talked about being bloods =
When dipset did it =