I see that you were HURT and somewhat DISGRUNTLED over what you witnessed
but rest assured. blaming others for your lack of understanding wont get u anywhere
if u focused on SELF as it is taught you wouldnt have gone astray
i dwelled amongst. THE TRUE AND LIVING
so i can't relate
My experiences at the school was quite pleasant
which is ones OWN FAMILY
but you dont wanna hear that SYMBOLIC SH1T you rather focus on the blunts and other SENSATIONAL aspects THAT YOU SOUGHT FOR YOUR OWN INTREST
so perhaps the problem is not the nation but Y.O.U (YOUR OWN UNIVERSE)
Did u say that I blamed others for lack of understanding??
Let me explain to you what you are doing wrong...YOU ARE NOT BUILDING HOMIE.
You took offense to what I said about Ayn Rand not co signing the story of Yakub and ASSUMED that I didnt know about symbolism. Thats where you went wrong. What you should have done was hit me up in a PM and we could have straightened that out...Thats buidling....But NO....Instead what you do is you go at someone who is actually defending The Nation Of Gods And Earths based on an assumption that was wrong. Who told you I didnt understand the symbolism? U made that up....Malcolm X broke the symbolism in the Supreme Wisdom down after he broke from the NOI and even he referd to them as "Fantastic(as in fantasy) stories" that many of the NOI followers believed. You cant come at me with bullsh*t about lack of understanding.
I wasn't hurt by sh*t that I saw at the school....Nor disgruntled....Nor did I say there was a problem with the Nation....Thats BS u just made up......In actuality seeing the hypoctrites was a good reality check.
Another thing..I dont appreciate you making these assumptions about my intentions.....You dont even know my first name...You don't know a damn thing about me yet you came up with all these bullsh*t conclusions about me.....I can tell you have never even seen my position on the 5% Nation in previous posts and threads because I've always found myself defending it....But I can play devils advocate and sh*t on them just as easy.....But I'm not going there based on 1 fool on a messageboard... You're way off...You see had you hit me up in the PM and proved to be thoro I would have probably invited you to meet somewhere to build in reality....I've done that before....Thats networking. Thats one of teh benefits of the internet and messageboards...Building and networking which you seem to not be able to do...
The sad thing about all of this is that I watched you defend the Nation in this thread and I was applauding you...Then you took a wrong turn and went after me...someone who was defending it as well....You lost me with that one brother.