After I typed that response yesterday, I went and looked at a let's play for the game, but a more recent one. I found one where this chick started playing 2 months ago and so I just watched to see if maybe I was doing something wrong. Maybe in all this time, I couldn't see the forest for the trees. But nope, the game was as I remembered. You walk into a room and loot everything in site like you are a mad man, and when the action starts you and some random enemy just kinda stand in front of each other and shoot one another in the face.
When I played, I played with a character that used a lot of quickhacks. It's been a while so I can't exactly remember all the terminology or skill tree data, but my guy definitely wasn't some brawler or shooter. And I was highly disappointed by the lack of effectiveness of the quickhacks. It just didn't make sense as a build. And in turn, that made the whole game not make sense to me. I saw a site yesterday that had a whole bunch of "builds" for CP. All I could do is