well, you don't just give monetary reparations to a people who (mostly) are at the bottom of the social economic ladder - who are also still shaking off some mental brainwashing as a whole.
However you do give reparations to descendants of groups you've fuked over for years - The US demons have given it to other groups - and also nations around the world have people that think that tranatlanticslave descendants should get it.
Since you can't give cash for obvious reasons; why not give additional tax breaks and free healthcare and also other benefits to descendants of these slaves?.. I mean we spend billions on pointless things you wouldn't believe. Nations even pay other nations reparations - like Japan and Germany after ww1 to western powers or the US to the japanese they put in camps.
Over 700 trillion dollars is a small estimate of what the nations in the West should be paying African nations... and
100 Trillion is almost exact to what America should be paying to blacks in America for building the nation, enduring jim crow and other CAC movements, for the stigma that will probably never go away, and for giving the jump start to many of the fortune 500 companies that exist today. some of the largest and most profitable insurance companies in America started off by insuring the death of slaves to Southern Farmers. The railroads and basically everything else that boosted the American economy in the first place was ran by black free labor.
Random nations around the world have fitted the bill for past slaves... like in 2000 when germany paid reparations to some ww slaves who worked in camps. Well actually the auto and other industrial companies pay the money. In the US our companies benefited 10x more from our slave labor and doing the decent thing in that situation isn't taken seriously at all.
But what do you expect from a nation that for most of it's history didn't even convict people who hung black people from trees and cut their penises off, or babies out of their stomach, or burned them.
The fact that black people receiving anything at all - is usually laughed at and dismissed. This dismissive attitude is indicative of the very reasons and effects that warrant the reparations in the first place.
Symbolically African American are spit in the face everyday because of one issue or another- But Mainly because the White House was built by slaves, and the land that used to be a remote swamp was built up by slaves and called DC or the nations capital. Many of our presidents had the White house staffed with slaves they owned... and just to let blacks in America know not only won't reparations be paid, but blacks will continue to get fukked over in the worse ways possible -
CAC and demonic leadership in this nation has enacted economic policies that affect us disproportionately, done neglectful things with public schools that contain mostly black students... started a War on Drugs that was fake and targeted to do obvious things.. Burned any town that contained successful black business and economies, killed any positive leader so that 'hope' could always be contained and continued to promote a private prison industry that is a modern version of the original slavery - which btw is feed by a Justice system that every study concludes is biased towards blacks.
So yeah, I was thinking... .that I would at least listen to a politician that desired to push towards assisting the black community through additional early childhood education programs, 100% free health care, and tax breaks that would put corporate tax loopholes to shame.