I take it nobody in this thread knows who Jonathan Blow is
But I thought Superdae confirmed that the Xbox 720 would be more powerful than the ps4... Remember when he tweeted
He would know, as this guy says in the first post he hasn't seen the next xbox
So the ps4 is easier to develop for than the ps3, wow thats news
Now for this thread, JB is the creator of Braid. He does arcade titles.
M$ didn't have a great relationship with its indie dev's, well documented
Whats also well documented is how M$ is not gonna be like that this gen.
Now of course they have to prove that. But if they really are planning on combating Apple which is the direction they are headed, then they have to do 1000x better. I'm not into fanboy war topics, just the facts. The 720 will heavily cater to these types of games as well as traditional games.
So I wouldn't take this thread seriously, and since the mods allowed it to stay?
I see they either lightened up or are pro sony. Either way /thread