Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
Pc games still look like pc games no matter how good the graphics look. Theres a shading effect consoles have toward color that i like more.
I don't see those prices on Steam though
I don't even game THAT much anymore, but if new games going for like 25 I can bite. The question is whether or not I feel like hookin' my desktop up downstairs to play it on the big screen I have.
ask @Hiphoplives4eva
You guys have no idea how much money you are wasting on inferior versions of the games
breh trust me, if you really want Tomb Raider that bad you can get it for $24 RIGHT NOW. Hell I CAN send you a steam key if needed. 100% legit, I just sold a copy to hhl4e. I can sell you a crysis 3 key for $26 or so if you want as well.
I don't see those prices on Steam though
I don't even game THAT much anymore, but if new games going for like 25 I can bite. The question is whether or not I feel like hookin' my desktop up downstairs to play it on the big screen I have.
get rid of all of that and build an ivy bridge based low end desktop and upgrade incrementaly. The savings you will make will be substantial if you game often...which I think you do.problem is having an up to par pc or laptop.
I got 2 personal laptops at home
1) Gateway N79 with an I5 440M processor and 1GB Radeon 5650. Has 4 gigs of system ram
2) Hp A8-3500M with intergrated Radeon 6620G. 8 gigs of system memory.
get rid of all of that and build an ivy bridge based low end desktop and upgrade incrementaly. The savings you will make will be substantial if you game often...which I think you do.
I don't know why people keep on with this are wrong. I have no reason to be a fanboy. I just get the most out of my money 100% of the time and will own a PS4/365 for exclusives.
I don't see those prices on Steam though
I don't even game THAT much anymore, but if new games going for like 25 I can bite. The question is whether or not I feel like hookin' my desktop up downstairs to play it on the big screen I have.
You know what, you right
It's not, people are getting rid of the amd promos.You don't see those prices because nikkas apparently have the hookup. Just bought tomb raider on PC courtesy of my boy liquid for 24 bucks!
I just hope the key ain't stolen. ..
could u please teach me how to block that Time warner sh1t from my router?
My modem doesn't have any switch/filter options, just a text code where I have to edit and create firewall rules myself
Please hook me up and stop iggin my post
Pc games still look like pc games no matter how good the graphics look. Theres a shading effect consoles have toward color that i like more.
Yall wilin. I'm leaving
I don't see those prices on Steam though
I don't even game THAT much anymore, but if new games going for like 25 I can bite. The question is whether or not I feel like hookin' my desktop up downstairs to play it on the big screen I have.