What didn't you like about Heavy Rain?
I usually play it while blazed so my perception of the gameplay and story might be skewed. It's weird and convoluted to me but that fits with the mental issues the main character is having
The story went off the rails.
I was cool with a slow pace--I loved the first season of TWD (Telltale)--but, it got too ridiculous with the plot twist and I still don't get all stuff with the investigator guy.
I hated to way they made you crazy to make you think you were the killer, but, it was really the cop. But, somehow the cop was living a normal life as a detective AND we was jigsaw and shyt.
I was a lazy way to do the twist--Oh, you have mental issues, that's why you conviently passing out and shyt.
By the end I just wanted it to be over with.
I was was still getting used to the "walking simulator" mechanics.
I remember the first time I did the sex scene