nightstalker super always been mid going back to D1. tractor cannon put it in the ER and Divinity absolutely buried whatever was left of it. and that's when the super even decides to work. its still buggy as hell.
with all the ways to stack debuffs now (artifact literally gives you a mod that applies a debuff from just shooting crits from a decent distance - that stacks with disruption break) all that cartwheeling around don't mean much unless you're the team's medic
if you’re the one on the team using divinity or tractor then your dps is trash and outside of 6 player raids, there’s no room for them in 3 player end game builds or gambit without sacrificing a better heavy / exotic.
you’d get kicked trying to load in with them shyts and sundering glare stacks with tether so you have no point here.