People tell on themselves immediately with this question. Be aware
Lately, I've been going Dead Man's Tale and SS CQC.
MIDA is mad underrated - especially with the recent Scout buff from a few months back. It basically aims itself. You make people miss or play the range right, you're never gonna have problems with it. I can't fukk with Pulses/burst weapons personally because they require you to be grounded and following through for the entire burst. Even if the damage is good, the trade off just makes me not even value it. At least with Crimson, you can count on that regen.
I grinded to get the MIDI Multitool over the weekend and while I only played a couple matches before doing my PvE bounties, I went off in the crucible yesterday

Completed 4-5 crucible bounties in 2 clash matches and my team dominated both

I’m also at 1301 light now thanks to my seasonal artifact, although I played myself big time by dismantling a 1300 chest piece because my high ass thought it said 1200