Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Tuesday, May 08, 2018
Destiny 2 services will be brought offline for maintenance. During this time, Destiny 2: Warmind, Update 1.2.0, and Hotfix will become available to players. Please see below for the timeline of the maintenance window.
6:00 AM Pacific 1300 UTC
  • Destiny 2 server maintenance is scheduled to begin
  • Players may no longer sign in to Destiny 2
7:00 AM Pacific 1400 UTC
  • Players still in Destiny 2 activities will be returned to the title screen
  • Destiny 2: Warmind and Update 1.2.0 will be available to download and install
11:00 AM Pacific 1800 UTC
  • Destiny 2 server maintenance is scheduled to conclude
  • Destiny 2 Hotfix will be available to download and install

Maintenance Notifications Patch Notes
Vital Information
Below is information on Destiny Updates or Server Maintenance that players may find helpful:
  • Destiny Companion: Sign-in functionality and other Destiny Companion services on the Mobile App, Bungie.net, and third-party sites may be restricted or unavailable during Destiny Server maintenance periods.

  • BungieHelp Twitter: On days in which Destiny is receiving an Update or Server Maintenance, players can follow @BungieHelp on Twitter for updates on the process and timeline for the server maintenance or update deployment.

  • Interrupting Downloads: Some consoles will attempt to verify all previously downloaded content before downloading a Destiny updates. If any issues are found, or the verification process is interrupted, all previous content will be deleted and downloaded once more. For more information, please see our Updating Destiny Guide.

  • Connectivity Issues: Players encountering connectivity issues after maintenance has concluded, or that are unable to log in to Destiny when there is no planned maintenance impacting Destiny services, may need to attempt basic connectivity troubleshooting such as clearing their console cache, power cycling their network hardware, or reading through the Network Troubleshooting Guide.

  • Update Availability: If the most recent update is not available for download, players may be required to fully turn off their console and sign in once more for the update to become available.

  • Maintenance Notification: Players signed in shortly before maintenance will receive notice via in-game messaging that a maintenance will be starting soon.

  • Error Code Sheep: Players may encounter the SHEEP error code when they attempt to join a Fireteam in which any member has not updated to the latest version of Destiny. To resolve this issue, please have all players close Destiny and install the latest update.

  • Manually Checking for Updates: For consoles that are taking an abnormally long time to begin the update process, players can attempt to manually start the update process by using the consoles "Check for Update" option. Additionally, players may want to clear the console cache if their console still does not recognize an update is available. For more information, please see our Updating Destiny Guide

  • Updating Destiny on PC: Players will have to close the Destiny 2 application to accept the update on the Blizzard Battle.net app. If the update does not automatically show up on the Blizzard Battle.net app, players may need to restart the Battle.net app or click on Options and then Check for Updates. For more information, please see our Updating Destiny 2 on PC

  • Destiny 1 Legacy Support: Destiny 1 will no longer receive planned game updates or content. Destiny 1 content through Destiny: Rise of Iron Update will continue to be available on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Consoles. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Legacy Consoles will continue to have Destiny: The Taken King content through Update 2.3.1 available. For more information, please see the Legacy Support Guide for Destiny 1.

  • Update Notes: Full notes for each new update and for previous updates can be viewed on the Game Updates pages.

  • Hard Drive Requirements: Players should ensure they have the proper amount of console storage space available to complete the full installation process. For more information, please see the Console Storage Space guide.

  • Update Name: Some consoles may display a different name for the update than the one listed above.
Destiny Server and Update Status


Dec 5, 2017
It's a step in the right direction, but they need to take the ships, ghosts, and sparrows out of the rotation for this to be really good. Especially those ghosts that serve dual and triple purposes on different planets.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
People still play Destiny? :mjlol::russ:
still? not really

the updates weren't frequent enough to justify it - which is the biggest difference from D1 to D2. people hopping in now because for the most part they already got the DLC or its the first big update in like..... 6+ months? the go fast update wasn't shyt and osiris was straight up small

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
People still play Destiny? :mjlol::russ:

still? not really

the updates weren't frequent enough to justify it - which is the biggest difference from D1 to D2. people hopping in now because for the most part they already got the DLC or its the first big update in like..... 6+ months? the go fast update wasn't shyt and osiris was straight up small

pretty much.

after a few weeks.. expect the game to really fall off a damn cliff. barring the dlc being great anyway...

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
I'll definitely be back on to complete the DLC.
I know this game was received negatively by a lot of people, especially the D1 vets, but I really enjoyed the game overall and had a great time playing with the coli brehs.
Once the game died out I picked up a copy for my 11 year old daughter who loves Diablo 3.
She's been playing D2 quite a bit and it's nice to play with her and help her through the story.
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