I bought D2 to play with my friends (and because I found a deal the week after launch for $70 including a controller) and they've refused to play the game for weeks now, abandoned it for PUBG and Rainbow Six Siege
As a bigger annoyance, they created a clan with a very questionable name to it, and I'm the only one who is still playing the game. I'm about to join the Coli XBO clan if y'all let me in. GT is FutureFoe119. This is the first FPS I've actually gotten into so I don't have a crazy good K/D ratio or anything, but I'm trying to play Trials on the weekends and LFG is a crapshoot filled with people who want 2.0 + K/Ds so they can get carried while complaining that everything they get beaten by is garbo, along with the usual

'ness in their voices.
Watching D1 footage makes me understand why people complain about the PvP in this game, but I enjoy it

I feel like if I apply myself enough in any given match I can pull off a string of multikills to help bring my team back into the game, and if my team plays the objectives correctly we always have a fighting chance.