Mob Justice got a cool name and sounds dope but thats all the compliments I can give it (the raid smg)
pulse rifles need a buff badly atm so I can't really hate on the Inaugural Address but the the scout is dope, though I haven't tried it in pvp (but reviews say it wrecks)
just need the hand cannon, sniper, and auto to complete the weapons set. got no gear drops other than the mark for my titan
lol why you dont like the smg?
yea, they do...either add more range to them and let them do more damage with the range they have....that's why i'm digging the slower ones that hit harder: they have both range and damage....
i gotta get the sniper and hand cannon for the weapons....and pretty much all the gear titan got 3 pieces, but they only gave me duplicates of 1 piece for my hunter & warlock...