Funny thing about it....Italians and the French are the biggest cheaters in those countries....cheating on your wife or girlfriend is expected....mistresses are a must...and the wives/GFs just deal with it.
The men chase and flirt with anyone and everything, street harassment and workplace sexual harassment are normal...but it gets branded as "romantic" by mainstream culture lol.
I knew a BW who mostly dated WM but it wasn't working here for some reason, then went over there...and swore that the italians were racist as fuk after they experienced it....I knew another who went there, met a guy, and he cheated on her with other french WW.
I know a few BW who went there thinking that Italians "love" BW, only to come to find out that all the men thought and treated them like prostitutes because Italy has a huge African prostitution trafficking network.
Did woman A. act, well you know