I agree with you. The owners are different than the players. They should be held to a higher standard so if Goodell ain't gonna roast them he shouldn't be roasting Deshaun. They're not supposed to harm the reputation of the league either, and their violations are even worse, BUT the reason they don't get punished isn't because of Goodell, it's because folks are so willing to minimize or ignore what they actually do yet want Deshaun to be made an example of. They aren't harming the league's rep if folks like you just ignore what they do. Don't dismiss it. Rail against them just like you're railing against him eventually the NFL will notice if we keep that energy with the owners too and it'll force a change.
Energy been the same over here, breh. I've BEEN saying that the league needs to get Snyder up outta there for the longest, and said Kraft needed to catch some sort of penalty for getting caught up in a rub and tug scheme.
The print with the community of pro sports ownership being so small is that they all have dirt on each other like a bunch of catty schoolgirls. That's what keeps Snyder in his spot, and why the Gruden situation is going to get ugly. They're all willing to snitch on everybody if the league doesn't shield them.
So did Silver when he kicked Sterling out.
They were tracking the outrage when that tape came out, and Cuban tried to low key cape for him to not lost the team, but he lost the team based on Silver's call more than anything.
Nah, Silver didn't make that call, ultimately the rest of the owners did. In matters like that, the commissioner is basically just an advisor or consultant. The rest of the league ownership didn't fukk with Sterling, and just used the tapes getting out as their excuse to get rid of him without there being any major blowback from him. bytch ass Cuban was putting the cape on for himself and other owners, because he was worried about setting precedent on an owner being forced out in general.