I didn't vote for him. He's had his ups and downs. People still love him and some dislike him even more. I don't approve of his removal of the "don't ask don't tell" military policy but I approve of his action to deep six OBL when the opportunity arose. As a Democratic president, I don't see him as someone who would have done anything more different than another Democratic president, white or black or male or female. He has toed the party line just as a Republican president would have done. I say grind because he's a hard worker and the tough work and hours has aged that dude. Look at photos of him from 2008 and look at any photos from 2013. I think people have higher expectations because he's the first black president. There are high expectations on any president, but I think he's had to endure more because failure or set-backs are more harshly criticized. When Clinton got caught in the whole scandal, he wasn't shook and he claimed innocence too with the
attitude. Of course the Republican party wanted him impeached. But can you imagine the media outcry if Obama got caught doing the same thing? The
attitude would not be acceptable.