govt should be checked. can't respect govt when it doesn't give a fuq about you especially when it comes down to survival. the black community is pretty much at the brink of getting wiped out of the face of the earth and the president has clearly ignored us while looking out for the interests of other ethnicities. it's as if it was planned and in writing and he has to follow those orders.revealing indeed.
what was more surprising to me was the blatant and nonchalantly racism from others on capitol hill. for some reason i had a glimmer of hope they might respect the office of the president more than the person. i obviously underestimated the strength of racist genealogy.
the 'crabs in a barrel syndrome' and jealousy within our black culture has also been revealing. a black man and his black first family are in an impossible position (becoming potus after the all the damage the bush presidency did to our country) and our own people still stay focused on negativity rather than take advantage of the positive aspects. that more than obama's presidency has been very disappointing for me. a lot of the other stuff is out of his and our control.
of course there are plenty of white folks hate barack cause he's black. if you're black why wouldn't you want barack to win? most of us (not me) we all routed for him to win but he kept sh1tting on us. i never talked good about bush. i did talk good about clinton but i must admit i was young and naive and the charisma was just too much for me as a young one. now i'm older i can see through all these nyggas. fucc em all.