See here was my concern the first time i heard about how he treated the first tear coming into this season.
Remember Russel Westbrook had the same meniscus injury when he collided into Patrick Beverly... and opted to go the safe/longer recovery route as well? He had it reattached and missed the playoffs to let it heal back up... Yet a couple months into the very next season he had knee issues again with the same knee and had to have another surgery to re-repair the meniscus... at that point I don't know if they simply removed it or if it was just that loose stitch that was the problem... but he surprised everyone by how quickly he came back and hasn't missed a beat since.
I also remember I think Eric Bledsoe opting to just remove the meniscus instead of deal with the recovery. And D Wade said he went that same route... but that he regretted it as it causes long term issues with the knee, versus the short term benefits.
So when I read that Derrick Rose went the 'safe' route like Russell did, as opposed to having it removed, in the back of my mind I was thinking maaaan with his style of play
how can their not be complications when he comes back?

And if so he gon take his time too
But once he made it past all star break, i really thought he had overcame that hurdle