Where are most of the immgrants flocking from Denmark coming from, I heard a lot of europeans countries are on red alert about migrant from islamic countries as of recently?
there is a reason for this
when the muslim population is at a certain low percentage, they say and do all the right things to get euro daddy to drop bread crumbs from his table. you see this in the united states now. they are very good at hiding their real intent. decades go by and the population is at a much different percentage, and suddenly the tone and attitude toward the host country changes. the host country starts to realize these people don't give a shyt about equality or fairness, they are just waiting to be in a position to stop asking and start demanding. so yes, they are on high alert, but for good reason.
the goal all over the globe is the same. Spread the word, populate, dominate, convert.
let's not be naive to the fact that as a populations numbers rise, attitudes about what people feel they deserve shifts too. they see they no longer have to ask, they just demand, and soon they will be in a position to just take.