Dems Might Have One: Gov. Pritzker Destroys Trump in Speech

Sir ZDuke

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Nah they'll just call him fat.

Not only that but he's a billionaire. You can't be a party claiming to fight for the middle and working class while literally having a billionaire cosplay as someone who understands their plight.

If he sold off his assets and became middle class though? That would show that he is in fact the real deal and is ready to put it all on the line.

Otherwise we just have very beautiful prose and nothing else. I prefer this to hakeem "we have no leverage" jeffries. He's talking like someone who isn't going to just let this a$$hole take peoples rights away which is exactly the type of energy democrats as a whole should have.
I get where you’re coming from, but what about FDR? He was a trust fund kid from one of the biggest names in American politics, yet he was the most impactful president for the working class in the last 100 years


Sep 14, 2019
Democrats had one and wasted the opportunity with Sanders:snoop: the only politician who could bring over the confused maga adjacent independents.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Democrats had one and wasted the opportunity with Sanders:snoop: the only politician who could bring over the confused maga adjacent independents.
I think he's gearing up for a final shot. He's doing exactly what someone who will be running should be doing. He will need a young man though, someone who can carry on the mission if he dies in office.


Mar 11, 2022
Moderates are the clowns for wanting to be soft shoe Republicans and virtue signal to the left. Most act like they have no back bone to stand up to MAGA types. That "they go low, we go high" isn't going to work in this climate.
Leftists are the only ones talking about the economy in any real meaningful way.
:ohlawd: That’s wtf I’m talking about.

This is where we are!

It is quite clear what Americans are responding to. We need a leftist version of that. Be it Walz, Pritzker, etc. We need a white dude who is willing to get in Trump’s ass and tell the American ppl what it is and what it’s gon be. These ppl respond to that shyt.

Imagine Pritzker or Walz on stage with Trump during a debate! That’s wtf these cacs need to see to vote for a Dem. This is where we are. The sooner the Dems fuller understand the public the better our chances will be.

Even if it’s a slight margin; you see someone like Trump win the election?? You need your own version of that to beat him.


May 3, 2012
what does MAGA and the republicans think of this? :lupe:
MAGA: Yes! Look at them rallying behind another Centrist/Right-Center zionist like Pritzker, so nothing changes at worst and our systemic oppression of y’all continues at best. Y’all never learn :hhh:
The reason why AmeriKKKa is so adamant about reinforcing Christianity on mass scale, is for its subjects to be more accepting
of White Supremacy through conservatism.

AmeriKKKa is a Christian nation pretending to be secular for PR.

The Far Right ruling class wants their subjects Christian and low educated, as it allows ppl to willingly descent into accepting authoritarianism.

In a 61% white nation where the ruling class is extremely racist white ppl, this means White Supremacist authoritarianism under the disguise and umbrella of Christianity.
(Modern reintroduction of old conditions:
colonialism & slavery)

True secularization by design leads to oppressive systems being removed, human rights like abortion and LGBT rights to get support.

Far Right White Supremacists know very well that to gain support for their White Supremacist agenda, they just gotta point at vulnerable rights of LGBT ppl, women and immigrants.

As Christianity has ingrained misogyny that covers support across the board for their attacks on women’s rights and LGBT rights.

And tapping into xenophobia covers them from blame across the board by sayin the old racist trope “immigrants are taking your jobs.”

This way they got the social and economic narrative on lock,
and they can freely continue to push white supremacist key players in position that get white supremacist laws passed.

Liberals are centrist, incorrectly labeled as Left-wing.

It will take bold Left-wing politics for Liberals to change structures.

The Far Right knows this, so they use Fear to slander any Left-wing politics by labeling it as Extremism and Agendas. <<<<<<<<<
To protect and keep the public’s Centrist sentiment status quo as their opponent, as it favors their position. <<<<<<

Liberal voters that want Left-wing benefits, haven’t come to term with this being the reality of American politics. That’s why those ppl stay disappointed when “nothing changes” while that’s literally what Centrism (Liberals) is designed to do, protect the status quo.

Liberal voters can’t have Left-wing desires, but turn full-blown
Far Right when others benefit from those Left-wing politics too
and then complain about Liberals (Centrists) not doing anything.

When their inconsistency RIGHT THERE is the exact Centrism
they COMPLAIN about not changing the status quo they desire.

Lack of class consciousness is a big issue enabling the status quo.

The Black Panthers were Black radical Leftists.
So to see Black ppl that proudly indulge in Koonservatism,
praise them.. let’s me know they don’t know their politics and history.

Like clockwork, here we are again..

Ppl with Left wing desires, presenting a Centrist/Right-Center zionist as a savior.

Republicans laughin their asses off behind the scenes SMH


the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
I think he's gearing up for a final shot. He's doing exactly what someone who will be running should be doing. He will need a young man though, someone who can carry on the mission if he dies in office.
is this a serious post :dwillhuh:

you think bernie is gonna run for 86 years old? :laff: did you not just watch biden crash out at 82?

is this really the best progressives can come up with in 2028? running bernie's colostomy bag? jesus christ
Sep 15, 2015
Democrats had one and wasted the opportunity with Sanders:snoop: the only politician who could bring over the confused maga adjacent independents.
I don't know. The idea that Sanders could win over MAGA-adjacent independents ignores a lot of political realities. Younger voters? Sure. Disaffected voters who don't vote for either party? Absolutely. But that MAGA-adjacent "independent" isn't MAGA-adjacent for no reason. The idea that he'd pull in enough of them to eek out a win is unproven at best. I wish we lived in the reality where he had the chance. Plus, winning a Democratic primary requires strong Black voter support, especially in the South, and Sanders struggled with that in both 2016 and 2020.

The idea that a significant chunk of them would break for a self-described democratic socialist seems like wishful thinking. This belief is just as misguided as the idea that moderate Democrats could win over Never Trump Republicans. I think that's an oversimplification of voter behavior, especially white MAGA-adjacent voters in a general election where you are going to *have* to try to turnout Black voters as well.