Blacks are disproportionately receiving government assistance (not counting corporate welfare). I believe blacks gets 33% of federal social funding despite being 12% of the population. But Joe Walsh saying "blacks are dependent on government" is just overgeneralizing nonsense which is not only an insult to the millions of black people who are not on welfare, but more importantly, it fans the flame of the racist narrative that blacks are all on welfare and taking the white mans' tax money and jobs. That's problematic and hurtful to society for obvious reasons. Politicians are elected and prisons are filled and job applicants are rejected because of exaggerated stereotypes about lazy food-stamp collecting black people. Joe Walsh has a history of this type of stuff too...he once said Obama got elected because he's black.
Even if one points out that black are disproportionately on welfare, it's a factual statement, but and incomplete portrait in the context of entire scope of the conditions. Implicit in the statements of people like Joe Walsh is the notion that somehow if black people, those of who are on government assistance just got off, they would all be able to get jobs and be self-supportive and it doesn't take into account the socioeconomic status people were born into or history. We wouldn't have to look far for studies that show that white people with criminal records have better chances of getting job interviews and offers than black people who don't, the gross inequalities in the justice system, the horrible state of education, etc.
So if Joe Walsh or others want to have a conversation about a culture of dependency that has developed among parts of the black community, its causes and potential solutions, the efficacy of various government programs, ways to strengthen education, and gain skills that make job candidates attractive, the need for more black entrepeneurship, and the role of every responsible party in the situation, we can have that. But if he just wants to make silly, exaggerated, demonizing, decontextualized blanket statements about "blacks are on welfare" to try and score political points, he can eat a dikk.
And for the record, Joe Walsh is a hypocritical piece of shyt. He's a deadbeat dad who owes thousands in child support. And he settled a lawsuit of a former campaign manager who said he ripped him off, had back owed federal and state tax liens and a condo foreclosed on. And he let his car insurance lapse and had his license suspended. And he lectures us on fiscal responsibility.
And he's this gung ho tea party guy who does nothing but protect the banks who he accepts tons of cash from. fukk him. It goes to show how full of shyt the tea party is that they gained popularity from opposite to the bailouts (supposedly, I think it more has to do with there being a black President) and now many of their politicians like Joe Walsh are whores for the banks and they say nothing.