JahFocus CS
Get It How You Get It
I don't want to spend time ethering Black liberals all over again so I'll just leave these here from another thread I ethered them in. 

You can take whatever stance you want, but I'm going to critique it because I feel that it promotes a defeatist disposition.
You're in this thread talking about how we should identify and be Americans and you're caping for bedbucks and bedwenches.
The implication of your positions is that all we can hope and aim for is assimilation and hope that cacs do right by us. Therefore, your bankrupt Black liberalism has nothing more to offer than what we're already experiencing: systematic oppression on every front and a slow genocide. Black liberalism, like all variants of liberalism, misunderstands the origins and function of racism in society (hint: it is related to capitalism) and therefore can never give a solution for it, or even fight it effectively. Meanwhile it advocates that we bind ever more closely with the descendants of our enslavers, institutionally and even on a familial level.
It's a dead end. That dead end is what you're arguing for and is what Roland and his lackeys on the show were as well.
I've said it elsewhere in HL but as far as I'm concerned, the only respectable politics for someone of African descent to have is either revolutionary nationalism or revolutionary socialism. The former for the separatists who have no interest in seeing if cacs will ever change and the latter for those who retain some faith in the possibility of the human family. I advocate for the latter but embrace the former as an intermediate step, under current conditions, until the latter comes into view.
I don't think Black liberals are in a position to be calling Black conservatives and Trump supporters c00ns, and these types of discussions bring the reasons why to the surface.
Come on breh...
Mass incarceration
Slashing social services (disproportionately hurting us)
Gutting public education and privatizing schools (disproportionately hurting us)
etc etc.
Conservatives and liberals represent two wings of the same bird (the system), which is a vulture that preys on us
Nothing intellectually disingenuous about me questioning your statements based on the content of what you said.
I don't believe in artificially separating liberals and conservatives when they alternate being in power and oversee a bipartisan oppression of Afrikans. Liberals aren't some underground insurgent party or movement.
Liberals are not our friends and I don't think it's a ridiculous argument to make that they are as dangerous as conservatives. On a POLICY level they may not be as forthrightly harmful, I'll happily agree with that. But in PRACTICAL terms, we know that most of the community views Republicans with great suspicion and they barely have an inroad in our communities; in that way, they are less of a threat than liberals, who dominate our politics and political thought and continue us down this dreadful path we've been on.