You were doing good until the "race not class" myth...it's a bit more complex than that...Rural Ms and WV NEVER had shyt...and still vote against their interests on the racist tip. Yes, they're being had but they won't give it up. They have to "feel better"..The southern strategy worked.
Better look into it a bit more, fammo.
And black people don't vote against their own self interests time and time again. Like I said, their side is selling fear of young minorities just like ours is selling fear of old white men. And back in the day it was easy because corporations controlled all the media.
In this new climate with free information the game is almost over. People came damn close to figuring it out with occupy wall street but they introduced 3rd wave feminism, intersectionality, and all that and splintered the movement. Now that stuff is losing effectiveness.
Them white folks want the same thing we want. To be amongst themselves and be left alone by the government. We can come together for sports or entertainment and go back to our communities. Why not go at the people actually preventing this.