Democratic Party Rebuild


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This is why democrats wont win unless this shyt ends

NJ hospitals ask parents to ‘identify’ pronouns and sexual orientations of newborn babies​

Chris Harris
Published March 15, 2025, 8:11 a.m. ET

As if coming up with a great baby name wasn’t hard enough.

Newborns can’t even control their own movements, but that isn’t stopping New Jersey hospitals from asking parents for their baby’s preferred pronouns and sexual orientation.

Inspira Health’s “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questionnaire” requires new parents to “identify” their babies as either “Male, Female, Transgender, Gender Queer,” or “Additional gender category.”

A photo shows the controversial form. 4
The form asks parents how their newborns “identify.” Facebook/Holly Schepisi
It further asks parents to select the word that best describes their infant: “Lesbian or gay, Straight or heterosexual, Self-described, Questioning/Unsure.”

The healthcare system — which operates four hospitals, two cancer centers, and eight health centers throughout South Jersey — created the form last year to comply with a newly-enacted Garden State law that required health care providers “to collect race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity in a culturally competent and sensitive manner.”

But many, from parents to politicians, think the newborn survey is absurd.

“That form is completely crazy, and anyone who would dictate a baby’s sexual orientation probably has an agenda,” said Sandy Anello, 34, a mom of two living in Bridgewater, NJ. “If I was told to fill this out, I’d rip it up in front of them. It feels like we’ve entered ‘The Twilight Zone.'”

“Identifying my baby as gay on Day 1 is insane,” offered Jersey City mom-to-be Carsen Rodgers, who is due in April. “I had no idea about this form and I’m shocked.”

New Jersey State Sen. Holly Schepisi (R-Bergen) told The Post, “The entire thing lacks such common sense, and serves no purpose whatsoever.

“As a mom myself, I know you’re exhausted after giving birth, you’ve got a crying newborn and you’re trying to figure out how to feed it. To be handed that sort of form in the midst of all that has no medical value, it makes no sense.”

Schepisi shared a photo of the form on Facebook, sparking disbelief, with many commenters questioning the picture’s authenticity.

The lawmaker said she will introduce a bill next week to revise the New Jersey mandate’s language, limiting the collection of such data to patients 16 and older.

Schepisi said the state measure was a last-minute addition to a package of bills approved by Trenton on June 30, 2022.

“What was the genesis of this bill?” Schepisi wondered aloud. “How did it move so quickly with barely any committee hearings on it?”

Schepisi suspects someone is buying the demographic data from the state and “using it for some sort of purpose.”

Democratic New Jersey State Sens. Joseph Cryan and Angela McKnight introduced the bill on June 23, 2022. They refused to comment.

Democrat Herbert Conaway, a former assemblyman who was elected to the House of Representatives last year, also worked on the bill.

“The bill was modeled after an Indiana statute and is designed to provide public health officials with the data they need to develop public health measures that effectively serve all New Jerseyans,” Conaway said in a statement to The Post.

“Good policy depends on the availability of complete and accurate data. Under the law, hospitals are required to collect and report demographic data on the patients they serve; however, no patient or parent is obligated to answer any question that makes them uncomfortable.

“Newborns are not subjected to this data collection because parents are not required to fill out the form. Many health decisions for newborns are left to the parents’ discretion.”

Representatives for NYC hospitals said they do not collect such data.

An Inspira Health representative said the questionnaire is “required by New Jersey law” and noted parents “are permitted to decline to provide this information.”

Inspira had sought a waiver from the state but that hasn’t yet been granted.

@AquaCityBoy do you support this?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Post evidence that this exists that's not a right-wing source, you right-wing 🤡

Do you support this?

Is your baby straight or gay? N.J. hospitals hand out controversial forms to new moms.​

At the height of the pandemic when COVID-19 was taking a heavier toll on Black people, Gov. Phil Murphy signed a law that required hospitals and labs in New Jersey to collect more detailed demographic information on its patients.

Four years later, the law has taken a surprising turn. Hospitals are handing out forms asking pregnant and post-partum mothers the gender identity and sexual orientation of their babies, according to a patient in South Jersey.

“What sex was your baby assigned at birth?”

“Which of the following best describes your baby? Lesbian or gay; straight or heterosexual, bisexual, questioning/unsure, prefer not to answer.”

The form from Inspira Health explains the questions are required under state law, and to help the hospital fulfill its mission “to provide a safe and compassionate experience.”

The 2021 law required medical professionals to ask patients not only about their race and ethnicity, but their gender identity and sexual orientation, as well. Patient participation is voluntary.

Lillie Mingle said when she received the form in a packet from the hospital, “I was shocked, and then disgust set in. Regardless on my own personal beliefs, the language used alone was very troubling.”

Mingle posted the form on social media, which got responses from other mothers who said they had received a similar questionnaire while at other hospitals not affiliated with Inspira.

State Sen. Holly Schepisi, R-Bergen, got wind of the chatter and investigated. On Friday, she said she was drafting legislation that would amend the law to introduce some “common sense.”

“I understand why for certain populations, this information could be helpful for finding appropriate care in the event someone is trans, gay, bisexual,” Schepisi said.

“But this is not a common sense approach. Having to ask if a newborn child is gay is just stupid,” she said.

A spokesman for Inspira Health, which operates four hospitals in Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem counties, said the health system was just following the law.

“Inspira Health, along with every other acute care hospital in New Jersey, is required by New Jersey law and the State of New Jersey Department of Health to request their patients provide their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity,” spokesman Paul Simon said. “Patients are permitted to decline to provide this information.”

A spokeswoman for the state Health Department confirmed that health facilities are required to gather this demographic data from their patients. But they do have some leeway on how they do it.

“The Department stresses that any collection of sexual orientation, gender identity data should be done in a clinically appropriate and culturally competent manner, including patient populations for which certain data may not be appropriate, as in the case for newborns,” state spokeswoman Dalya Ewais said. “We also recommend that hospitals develop internal policies and procedures based on clinical advice to assist their employees in collecting such data.”

Schepisi said she’s heard from hospital officials who have asked the state health department for a waiver from having to pose these questions under these circumstances. She said her goal is to clarify what’s required.

She’s speaking to pediatricians to find out what is the appropriate age to consider a child’s gender and sexual identity. But clearly newborns, toddlers and kindergartners should not be targeted, Schepisi said.

“Mandating that parents identify the sexual orientation and gender identity of their newborn child is an absurd waste of medical professionals’ time and resources,” Schepisi said. “This form serves no practical medical purpose for the care of a newborn baby. My legislation would rescind this ridiculous mandate passed by Trenton Democrats.”

Mingle, who is in the third trimester of her pregnancy, said she doesn’t have a problem with the hospital staff.

“I want to be clear— no one is angry at the nurses doing their jobs. They are told by higher ups what is mandatory and unfortunately they do not have a voice to oppose," she said.

Still, none of this makes sense, she said, adding the hospital has never asked her to fill out the questionnaire on her own behalf.

“It’s my hope that it will be completely rescinded soon, I know how hard it is freshly postpartum to have coherent thoughts to even push back on such a thing,” Mingle said.

Susan K. Livio may be reached at Follow her on X @SusanKLivio




the cac mamba

May 21, 2012

normal people are disgusted with the lunacy on the far left. the lunatics are disgusted with the party not fully adapting their deranged stances

this party's in a tough place :mjlol:


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012

normal people are disgusted with the lunacy on the far left. the lunatics are disgusted with the party not fully adapting their deranged stances

this party's in a tough place :mjlol:

No one likes a weak party nothing to do with lunatics, you just a conservative who die for right wing framings. democrats is just a very loser mentality party that doesn't stand for anything, you had Gavin Newsome with complete capitulation to Steve bannon and Charlie kirk asking to get into their cool kids club; it's just loser shyt. That happens when u have a party that's based on in the moment polling and not painting narratives themselves. Democrats should be talking about how they got the fire shyt and why you need to be in they club after 10pm.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
No one likes a weak party nothing to do with lunatics, you just a conservative who die for right wing framings. democrats is just a very loser mentality party that doesn't stand for anything, you had Gavin Newsome with complete capitulation to Steve bannon and Charlie kirk asking to get into their cool kids club; it's just loser shyt. That happens when u have a party that's based on in the moment polling and not painting narratives themselves. Democrats should be talking about how they got the fire shyt and why you need to be in they club after 10pm.
no, you're wrong and lying to yourself :yeshrug:

of course people want to see more fight, that's part of it. but what i said is 100 percent correct. last election we had normal voters turned off by the left's weird fakkitry, and the lunatics on the far left stayed home for palestine. you're denying those things happened?


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
no, you're wrong and lying to yourself :yeshrug:

of course people want to see more fight, that's part of it. but what i said is 100 percent correct. last election we had normal voters turned off by the left's weird fakkitry,

those people were never voting democrat, no actual democrat decided to vote for trump based on 8 transgender kids :dead:
and the lunatics on the far left stayed home for palestine. you're denying those things happened?
Those people were going too

Seems obvious which one actually mattered. Grand scheme neither was significant, the ecomomy is/was the problem.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
thoss people were never voting democrat, no actual democrat decided to vote for trump based on 8 transgender kids
it's called swing voters, fool. the Dems' image is trash and embarrassing right now. it's a hard fact that there were millions of biden 20, trump 24 voters

i like how you have to talk in extremes, bc you can't defend the weird garbage. no one ever said trehs in sports is the SOLE FACTOR. it's just part of it