I did read it, if you can't see the bias these nerds have for 3d animation you a lost cause
if you can't read their fukking criteria you're a lost cause
and if you can't realize that a digital -> digital transfer will look better than a film -> digital transfer you're a lost cause
Tier Zero - Blu (Reference)
Blu-ray titles in this tier consistently offer reference level high-definition picture quality that continues to impress both at viewing distances approximately 1.5 screen widths from the display and on larger projection screens over 100”.
A Blu-ray in Tier Zero will generally exhibit the following characteristics:
A sharp image with a palpable sense of depth, clarity, and presence that will often appear nearly three-dimensional in nature.
Excellent contrast, superb shadow detail, and the deepest black levels without macroblocking or clipping.
Exquisite resolution of ultra-fine detail, fabric and surface textures, individual strands of hair, and human faces down to the imperfections and pores. Animated material will often exhibit photo-realistic qualities and will feature beautifully rendered environments.
Sophisticated color palettes will be completely resolved down to the most subtle gradations of each hue. Primary colors will appear striking and dynamic. Black-and-white material will exhibit top-notch and accurate grayscale reproduction.
A film-based title will exhibit natural grain structure free of excessive digital noise reduction (DNR) or filtering that results in a noticeable impact on the image, including waxy looking faces and missing high-frequency detail in general.
Halos and ringing artifacts are either absent or not visible enough to be distracting from standard viewing distances.
No alteration from the originally intended aspect ratio or viewable image area.
An artifact-free video compression encoding that shows virtually no signs of chroma noise, banding, posterization, aliasing, macroblocking, compression noise, and other encoding deficiencies.
The transfer of the Blu-ray will be sourced from a master with virtually no visible flaws. This entails an image free of print damage, dirt, specks, cue marks, and other flaws that should be absent from a new and pristine transfer of source material in excellent condition.