What's the point of constructing an argument when you aren't open-minded enough to listen. I'm not into talking to brick walls
I'm open right now motherfukker.
Speak your case, bruv.
What's the point of constructing an argument when you aren't open-minded enough to listen. I'm not into talking to brick walls
I was tired of it the minute it happened. Actually had a chick use it in real life. That was the last day we hung outIm tired oc the term "woke"
shyts corny
I was tired of it the minute it happened. Actually had a chick use it in real life. That was the last day we hung out
PauseI'm open right now motherfukker.
Speak your case, bruv.
What is problack about making characthers that are tragic mulatto militants but fall for pink dikk?
"diverse black experiences" is a lame excuse.
Atlanta has diverse black experiences and not a drop of c00ning is in there.
And you find this valid, breh?From the girl striaght bedwenching?
Do you realize how this reflets the creator of this series when he consturcts these characthers and constructs their motives in such a manner?
You keep using "real experiences and conversations among our people" as an excuse for just shoehorning.
"But it's relatable"
Ain't no one in here been to an Ivy League school.
Breh, are you retarded? Like seriously?
The show ACTIVELY POINTS OUT HER HYPOCRISY AND BLASTS HER FOR IT. It doesn't champion or show her relationship in some "white savior" light, it actively says that she's a flawed and a bit hypocritical.
How does it promote bed-wrenching when athe vast majority of black women in the show love and want BLACK MEN?
You're complaining that the biracial girl likes a white dudes and black dudes.
Breh, are you retarded? Like seriously?
The show ACTIVELY POINTS OUT HER HYPOCRISY AND BLASTS HER FOR IT. It doesn't champion or show her relationship in some "white savior" light, it actively says that she's a flawed and a bit hypocritical.
How does it promote bed-wrenching when athe vast majority of black women in the show love and want BLACK MEN?
You're complaining that the biracial girl likes a white dudes and black dudes.
Maybe it's just me but I never found being pro-black and dating outside the race to be mutually exclusive.
Funny enough, the show also touches on this. But it's pushing an agenda thoughDepends on your definition of pro-black. What constitutes as "pro-black" tends to vary among people and that's what leads to clashes. The people who consider the Black family and it's prosperity a vital aspect of pro-blackness are the ones who get up in arms when people date out.