Some women can’t see the forest for the trees. A prenup can be more beneficial to you if it’s done right especially if the man is making more
Marvel actually DOESNT pay its actors until they are integral to the MCU. RDJ and Chris Evans weren’t making bank unlit their third or 4th movie appearances.Call marvel
I never understood spousal support you should leave with what you came in with
the overwhelming number of people that make the laws are men I don't understand how they let this happen......there is no benefit for men in getting married
I understood this reference.Should have stayed in food and beverage
This situation doesn't apply to coli brehs who will likely never break a million in a year, stop talking about "This is why I'm never getting married!!" Chill out nicca she ain't taking your PS5 in the divorce.
"I’m a front-line worker. I live in my car. And I’m not unique": a memoir about being homeless during CovidSomeone in the middle class can be devastated in a divorce. You lose your home and then live with your parents or a shytty studio apartment.