Any black characters? If so, that's who they'll make gay. Just to prove a point.
Mr. Terrific is already an atheist, I'm pretty sure making him gay too would be overkill over at DCMr.Terrific, Static, John Stewart, Black Lightning.
In a piece from ABC News, DC's senior vice president of publicity Courtney Simmons stated that it's a male character, being quoted as saying, "One of the major iconic DC characters will reveal that he is gay in a storyline in June." On Twitter, Scott Snyder, writer of DC's Batman and Swamp Thing, shot down rumors that Batman may be outed by tweeting, "the announcement was 'a character not seen since the relaunch will come out as gay.'"
Powergirl as a lesbian?
This has got to stop. If they want to reach the gay demographic, fine. Create some new gay characters. I'm sure they'll love it. But there is no need to ruin a character's history and force feed us tolerance.
This has got to stop. If they want to reach the gay demographic, fine. Create some new gay characters. I'm sure they'll love it. But there is no need to ruin a character's history and force feed us tolerance.
why don't u just wait til it plays out before you jump to conclusion that a character will be "ruined" by a orientation change
There's no need for it. It's pandering.