I Really Mean It
Love this game. Rikki's my favorite character in the game. Cute, strong, independent but vulnerable and sensitive. I think the subtle distinctions the writers weaved between her and Sarah, with respect to their place in Deacon's development as a character, were masterful. The whole game has twists I never saw coming, up until the end, and I can't wait for the sequel. I'll never respect the credibility of the hacks who gave this game poor reviews. It has its flaws, sure. The game takes too long to put you in the saddle, spending almost ten hours to before you're actually pushing the story forward. It's incredibly long. Right when you think you've reached the end and beaten the game, you actually have hours of story awaiting. It's probably the longest open world game this gen, easily longer than RDR2 and probably competing with Witcher 3's primary story in length. But flaws aside, it's an amazing experience. I'd rank it as my favorite Sony exclusive of this gen. Can't wait for its sequel. Come at me.

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