Do both but you get more trust with story..
Avoid hordes at all cost in the beginning..
As you find Nero sites and injectors..
Do stamina, focus then health..
The first skill to get is focus and after that try to get Thief in the night upgrade so it’s easier to sneak around..
Also get the repair bike and repair melee upgrade in the beginning so you don’t have to run around looking for other melee weapons..
Upgrade your gas tank as soon as you can and get nitrous for your bike and exhaust..
Also, always have a suppressor on your weapons..
It’s easier to get headshots..
Tucks camp is where you get your first upgrade weapons..
Copeland’s is where you upgrade your bike first.
Iron mike is where you finally get the MW machine gun and the Swp9 as a sidearm..
That’s been my main weapons until I got to the second half of the game..
Hit deers and wolves with your bike or you can kill them with melee.
Stack up on these so when you get to Iron Mike..
You can build up trust faster..
If you see it..
Kill it so you can get as much XP as you can..
If you go to a Nero research site..
Make sure all horns are off so freakers don’t harass you can’t sleep(save)unless they are off..
If you go to research sites that are in caves..
Go at night because freakers leave then..
Bomb nest in the morning..
The drifter bow is good for stealth and good weapon for the beginning

I think my girl is gona buy me the game..if not im get it soon
I heard there patchn for bugs etc