Dave Ramsay financial guru SUED for $150M!!! Pushing deceptive timeshares on people:wow:fraud::lol:


Mar 11, 2022
He's deceiving people. F*ck you mean what did he say anti christian? :pachaha:
What did he say to deceive ppl outside of politics? From a fully financial standpoint?

Bc I know ppl backing black financial gurus giving the same advice honestly.

So super interested on why you think the advice is deceit?


Nov 18, 2016
What did he say to deceive ppl outside of politics? From a fully financial standpoint?

Bc I know ppl backing black financial gurus giving the same advice honestly.

So super interested on why you think the advice is deceit?

They contacted the Bellevue, Washington-based company off Ramsey's endorsement and were told it'd cost them $40,000 for their services. They paid it.

They never got out of their timeshare contract. And they never got their refund.

This is deceit, because he knew a company was making false claims, and he promoted them on his show.. Those people trusted him and he didn't warn them that they don't always keep their word..

How you miss this?


Mar 11, 2022
They contacted the Bellevue, Washington-based company off Ramsey's endorsement and were told it'd cost them $40,000 for their services. They paid it.

They never got out of their timeshare contract. And they never got their refund.

This is deceit, because he knew a company was making false claims, and he promoted them on his show.. Those people trusted him and he didn't warn them that they don't always keep their word..

How you miss this?
Timeshares started filing lawsuits in friendly repub jurisdiction to combat the rate of ppl getting out of of timeshares.

If they payed 40k their timeshare was crazy crazy high.

Again not supporting David Ramseys political ideas, just giving you real time feedback of a black owned anti timeshare company going through the same thing right now and how the market is.

The anti time share companies have been beaten right now, they can’t win.

Black people are 20% of timeshare owners and account for like 30%+ of new timeshare owners. Weve been trying to kill this for a while but they finagled their way out of it.

The anti timeshare industry is going through a COMPLETE reset currently.


Nov 18, 2016
Timeshares started filing lawsuits in friendly repub jurisdiction to combat the rate of ppl getting out of of timeshares.

If they payed 40k their timeshare was crazy crazy high.

Again not supporting David Ramseys political ideas, just giving you real time feedback of a black owned anti timeshare company going through the same thing right now and how the market is.

The anti time share companies have been beaten right now, they can’t win.

Black people are 20% of timeshare owners and account for like 30%+ of new timeshare owners. Weve been trying to kill this for a while but they finagled their way out of it.

The anti timeshare industry is going through a COMPLETE reset currently.

You give your word in business you keep it. If the anti timeshare companies are taking a beating, give the money back and pull the money back guarantee out of the advertising. If you making guarantees knowing the industry difficulties, then thats stealing. No way around it.


HTX Certified
May 19, 2012
Timeshares started filing lawsuits in friendly repub jurisdiction to combat the rate of ppl getting out of of timeshares.

If they payed 40k their timeshare was crazy crazy high.

Again not supporting David Ramseys political ideas, just giving you real time feedback of a black owned anti timeshare company going through the same thing right now and how the market is.

The anti time share companies have been beaten right now, they can’t win.

Black people are 20% of timeshare owners and account for like 30%+ of new timeshare owners. Weve been trying to kill this for a while but they finagled their way out of it.

The anti timeshare industry is going through a COMPLETE reset currently.

The company also failed to deliver on the 100% money-back guarantee that it advertised and that Ramsey advertised on his shows, according to the lawsuit.”

So you continue to take money from current and new clients knowing that you can’t deliver?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I dislike right wing Dave Ramsey too. But I haven’t seen any anti biblical stuff from him :manny: or his black employees that left. I follow most of the black ones

and I call stuff like that out all the time. Like @Godless Liberal CEO pushing anti Christian stuff bc he’s scared of death

What did he say that was anti Christian

Damn, this could be a long-ass post. I'm only going to scratch the surface:

If you listen to Dave Ramsey, then you come to believe that building wealth should be your primary goal in life. I've repeatedly heard him tell callers to forget about EVERY other goal in life and focus on getting their wealth-accumulation in order first. One of Dave Ramsey’s core sayings is "live like no one else, so later you can live like no one else."

This is straight worship of wealth, suggesting the goal of life is to become richer than others and spend that money on yourself. He ignores Biblical commands such as

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth…for where your treasure will be, there your heart will be also”

or “the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful”

or “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

or “You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

or "Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction.”

or “Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

or “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

or "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you."

or "So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Do you think anyone could listen to Dave Ramsey and get that idea of the meaning of our money?

People who listen to Dave Ramsey want to get rich. They want to have an abundance of possessions. They would never stop thinking about how their money will accumulate tomorrow. They would never "sell everything they have" to follow Jesus instead. So they're straight missing the gospel. If you listen to Dave Ramsey.You don’t get warnings about wealth, you really believe that money can solve your problems and you SHOULD accumulate it if possible. He talks about his own wealth constantly to the point that it sounds like nothing less than bravado. He loves the fact that he has accumulated great wealth and sees zero descrepancy between that and the passages above, not to mention the lifestyle of Jesus and his disciples.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Similar to that, he constantly teaches us to compare ourselves to others, under a basic evaluation of “people with money = good, people without money = bad.” He seems to glorify the rich and suggest they’re rich because they’re morally better than others, posting things like “20 Things the Rich Do Every Day” and “5 Simple Habits of the Average Millionaire”, as if wealth should be our goal and anyone can become rich if they just exercise better self-control.

He ignores Jesus’s statement of “Woe to the Rich” and “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!”, or the verses in James that say the rich will fade away and suggests that they earn their money through oppressing others. James explicitly says that Christians shouldn’t view and treat the rich as if they were better than others.

Dave Ramsey is also extremely individualistic and disparages anyone in financial difficulties, as if there are no systemic impacts and difficulty with money is just some sort of moral failing. He says things like:

“You can choose not to participate in a recession.”

and “I don’t believe in a stimulus check because if $600 or $1400 changes your life you were pretty much screwed already….You got other issues going on.....You have a career problem. You have a debt problem. You have a relationship problem. You have a mental-health problem. Something else is going on if $600 changes your life.”

and “If $600 changes your life, your life really sucks. You don’t have a life.”

and “If you are broke or poor in the U.S. or a first-world economy, the only variable in the discussion you can personally control is YOU.”

He ignores any sense of responsibility for others or social concern, which is practically all the New Testament talks about when it comes to money. He is extraordinarily judgmental towards people with money issues - I don’t think you could listen to Dave Ramsey for any serious length of time and not come to have a negative view towards the poor and a positive view towards the rich, which is the exact opposite of Jesus’s teachings, “Blessed are the poor, Woe to the rich” or James’s teachings to elevate the poor among us because the rich are our oppressors.

Once he ran to the defense of a billionaire by saying, "Some of you sent him hate mail worried about his soul because he bought a $110,000 car. That does not make him wrong, that makes that person silly, foolish, and spiritually immature. Note: God gave HIM 2.2 Billion to manage, God did NOT assign you to help." Seriously? Where in the New Testament does it say we need to leave the rich alone and not criticize their decisions? Where does it say that the rich can spend their money any way they like and no one else has the righ to complain? How can you read the words of James, or Paul, or Jesus himself, and get the idea that criticizing the rich is out of bounds?

It's fascinating that he can criticize the spending decisions of the poor so much, but then gets indignant when anyone criticizes the spending decisions of the wealthy.

The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight. Luke 16 :13-15

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
On a systemic level, Ramsey basically worships the free market and believes it is the appropriate arbitrator of money and value. He says, “I don’t like governments telling me what to do” and “the market [will] punish someone who doesn’t do a good job.”

Ramsey doesn't believe in the minimum wage. A few years ago, he got in a debate online with a Christian theologian where Ramsey was saying that only the market should dictate wages. He said if a person didn’t make enough, it was because their economic value wasn’t high enough and that was their own fault. The theologian challenged him to find that principle in scripture, and instead tried to point Dave to Biblical principles like 1 Corinthian 8:

"Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality, as it is written: “The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little.”

Ramsey has no answer for this. He ignores Biblical desires for equality for all, in favor of a pro-capitalist "survival of the fittest" mindset.

Where does Ramsey suggest that our desire should be equality for all? Where do his principles ever go in that direction? In fact, he explicitly argues against income equality, stating, “At the core of this demand is envy.” So when Paul said his desire was equality, was that Paul's envy speaking? Or how about Acts?

"All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need."

"And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need."

"Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you."

The New Testament suggests we should strive for equality all the time. Why doesn't Ramsey?

He also attacks government programs to help others as “socialism”:

Wealth redistribution is socialism, and it's bad: “I’ve heard a lot about wealth redistribution over the past few year. I have my toughest critique for those who believe this: You are a thief.”

Social safety nets are socialism, and they're bad: “When you are righteous with other people’s money by using the government to take money away from people so that you can do righteous acts, that’s an act of liberal socialism.”

Government health insurance is socialism, and its bad: “Jesus didn’t say that’s how you serve the poor, to give your money to Obama and he gets the credit.”

Canceling student loans is socialism, and it's bad: "You’re such a freaking baby that you can’t step up and take care of your business.”

(Let's remember that Ramsey once declared bankruptcy himself to get out of paying millions in debt. Typical rich guy move - Socialism for me, but not for thee.)

I think too many people, after following Dave Ramsey, will come to believe that sound financial planning will solve their life’s problems. They would be completely blindsided by Biblical statements like, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” or “You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired great wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked’”

Maybe Ramsey doesn't really treat money like his God. Maybe his $10+ million dollar house and $55+ million net worth is a blessing from God, and not capitalism stealing from the poor. Maybe all the scammy kickbacks he gets from recommending services he has personal connections to is just smart business sense. But I don't see how anyone gets Biblical widom on money from listening to him.






p.s. - He also treats his employees like crap. He fires female employees who request maternity leave if they aren’t married. On the other hand, when one of his main male hot shots (Chris Hogan) was found to be having multiple affairs, Dave gave him a “path to restoration”. He fired employees who complained about the lack of Covid precautions. When his employees seek to get marriage counseling, he forces them to waive their rights to privacy so Dave can read the notes from their counseling sessions. There apparently has been a lot of stuff like that.
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Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
I've talked about Dave Ramsey before.

He's scammy as hell, his advice isn't Biblical, he pushes hardcore right-wing narratives and denies systemic racism, and he's apparently a terrible boss.

You should avoid debt if possible, otherwise most of his advice is bad.

Dawg all my friends caught on to him :russ:


Mar 11, 2022
@Rhakim not quoting your posts due to length. But ppl visit his channel for financial literacy. I’m not sure how that correlates to wealth being the primary driver of their life.

If they follow a health coach does that same mindset applicable. What about spending most their time listening to fball podcasts. Does that mean they love fball above all else.

Before black churches developed their own free literature on financial literacy as a nationwide strategy, they used Dave’s book(can’t recall the title).

From my perspective there’s a huge gap in financial literacy among older adults that aren’t internet focused.

I saw ppls lives changed just sticking to a budget, not going to high cost lenders for daily spending like cash advance places. I saw the positive results. These are ppl not looking to get rich

Now all the social stuff you’re speaking about. Idk about any of that but content wise I think the financial literacy process is beneficial for ppl without the basics down


All Star
Jan 20, 2016
If the company is paying Ramey millions to advertise said company needs to make that money back