All that personality sh*t is for the birds. You got a Range and 7", not much talkin' needs to be done. Most dudes with "personalities" are losers who got nothing else going for them. Real nikkaz just give you an eye and you get wet. Comments like yours are on some status, we don't believe you, we need more evidence to the contrary. I would say less than 5% of women would choose an entertaining guy over some dude who can lay down serious pipe game. If personality was enough, divorce rates wouldn't be so f*ckin' high. All that personality sh*t gets old after a while when the sexual excitement is gone.
I'm pretty sure every woman will see your personality before your penis...unless you walk around town with your dikk out
You have to have a good pipe game... or at least a OK pipe game w great face skills.
Personality gets you in the door.... pipe games keeps you there through all the bad times and fck ups.