This movie reminded me A LOT of Lars von Trier's
AntiChrist. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if Aronofsky has been studying that movie and other von Trier projects.
And I walked out of the theatre feeling the same way I did about most von Trier films. Baffled, curious, and reflective.
It was a very interesting film. Really held my attention for the majority of the time and kept me guessing, which I enjoyed. I really didn't know where they were taking it and that's always refreshing. Towards the end though it became a bit too heavy handed and melodramatic in its zeal to paint an allegory. There comes a point when you try so hard to create an allegory than it's no longer an allegory, it's a sermon. Which is kinda ironic, considering the message here.
I do like the ideas he was trying to put forth, but the 3rd act of the film almost lost me. I went from intrigued to bewildered and then exasperated. I almost checked out but he pulled me back in at the end.
The acting was pretty damn good and the imagery and set design was impressive.
I don't think a lot of people will like this, if the reaction to von Trier movies is any indication. But it's an interesting film and in a sea of predictable cookie cutter films, it was a welcome change to see someone taking a risk and doing something experimental. I'm probably gonna watch it again now that I know what the themes are because I'm sure I missed some things.
7 out of 10 for me.