May 9, 2012
I will answer certain questions, just don’t expect me to spoil anything. As for your query, I would probably rank the films like this…

Batman Begins – 8.4/10
The Dark Knight – 8.7/10
The Dark Knight Rises – 9.2/10

Best film trilogy since ‘The Lord of the Rings’. The only thing that really stopped this film from scoring higher was that, unfortunately, it does drag a little bit. The running time was my only concern going in. It’s not so much a fault in the film itself (the running time is necessary to bring the trilogy full circle, and to answer any unresolved questions), I just got a little uncomfortable sitting in the theatre for so long haha.

And yes, there was a standing ovation at the end. Brilliant, brilliant film. Literally in the same league as ‘The Godfather: Part II’ in terms of story-telling and character. The real question is, what’s next for Mr. Nolan?


The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI
Watching Batman Begins right now (on HD DVD :smugfavre:) and I forgot about Rachel slappin the shyt outta Bruce in the car :pachaha:


I Love Hip-Hop
Apr 30, 2012
I remember seeing a similar godfather II quote about The Dark Knight...now another one?

Nolan is a god
May 1, 2012
I went to a screening in Dallas, mentioned in the "Spoil me" thread. Well, here is everything concerning the ending. Enjoy.

The Bat drowns in the river while Bruce tries to submerge the fusion reactor, it sinks. There is a montage after this. The final shot is of Batman looking over the city atop a tower after Gotham is rebuilt. Yes, Tate is Talia.

Via ***** :mj:


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
yeah who does that broad think shes fooling by copping pleas sayin she aint talia al ghul, bytch we already saw you atop the tumblr and walking with bane stop it


Jun 2, 2012
ok everyone this is my last post in this thread until I see the movie, damn I wish it was coming out next week. I will be copping tickets today when I go see Ted in like 3 hours...chea
May 1, 2012
After Bruce escapes the prison and returns to Gotham, he gets in contact with Fox and the two meet up in the underground garage that was used in the previous film to store the Tumbler and Batman's gadgets and tech-equipment. Sadly, I should also add that Alfred has been killed already after Bane raided Wayne Manor with his men and ended up destroying the bat cave with Alfred trapped inside. Bruce is informed of this from Bane while a prisoner in the pit.

Bruce (as Batman) manages to get into contact with Selina. Blake is hesitant to work with Selina as she not only betrayed Batman but also Blake but Blake tells Selina that if she manages to help he and Batman stop Bane, that he will make sure nothing happens to her once the dust settles. The trio set up an alliance of sorts to try and restore the city. Bane has already destroyed every entry/exit point in and out of the city, leaving Gotham separated from the mainland. Each closed off point is guarded by the League and Bane declares that if anyone is to either enter or leave the city, he would set off the orb-looking device which is a W.M.D.

Bane was kicked out of the League for his radical ideals and methods and was imprisoned in the pit, it's later revealed that Ra's set up the pit as a means to finding the next leader of the League of Shadows and whoever managed to escape the prison's unscalable walls would be worthy enough to inherit the Ra's al Ghul title. Bane was the only man to have escaped, Bruce being the second man - this all comes into play in the end.

Even though the city hall has now been overrun by Bane and his men, Batman, Selina and Blake are unaware of Bane's movement from the sewers to city hall and head for the underground tunnels and vast sewer networks which Selina knows inside-out and where Batman was first defeated in an attempt to find Bane.

Selina helps Batman try and find the W.M.D. as well as Bane and his men and with this, Batman gives Selina the Bat-pod and orders her to not stray away from him and to stay close. Batman manages to clean the streets up a bit with Selina's and Blake's help as Batman and Selina fight alongside each other attempting to find a safe entry point into the network of tunnels. Blake (along with his task force) follow Batman and Selina down into the sewers. Along the way, Batman and Selina engage in combat with some League members. As does Blake and his task force however it's all revealed to be a trap as Bane has rigged the tunnel walls with explosives. Batman notices all the wiring along the walls and manages to get Selina, Blake and some members of his task force out before Bane blows the tunnels, killing some GPD officers.

Unable to find Bane or the bomb, Blake retreats as Batman asks Blake to get the stand-in Commissioner Foley to rally the police force together to take back the city at dawn. With the truth about Dent revealed, the GPD become inspired by Batman. Ultimately believing that if they are to die, they would rather die fighting than having done nothing. Batman and Selina take off in the Bat to further disrupt any League activity that is going on in the city. Grabbing wind of the returning Bruce Wayne and his personalized aircraft, Bane threatens to blow the city unless the government can take down Batman who is piloting an unauthorized specially-built military aircraft... Which doesn't sit too well with the U.S. government.

Fighter jets are deployed and they eventually reach Gotham. Bane allows this to happen to bring down Batman but the Bat is able weave in and out of buildings, making the government's attempt at destroying the Bat unsuccessful. Batman manages to take down both jets as both pilots eject to safety. Dawn begins to break as Foley leads the GPD into the city square where Bane's men are and where Bane has set up their new base of operations. Bane prepares a counter-attack and most of the League are brought back into the city's central district to hold off the police force.

Batman and Selina go on foot as Selina takes the Bat-pod into the city square to try and locate the W.M.D. as Batman fights alongside the GPD. The GPD face off against the League and the two groups go at it, both sides are using firepower and the square off becomes a full-on civil war. There, Batman finally comes face to face with Bane. The two fight, Bane manages to counter most of Batman's attacks and has the upper-hand. As Batman retreats back a bit in an attempt to lure Bane into the chaos, he is able to get a quick attack in - leaving Bane momentarily dazed enough to allow Batman to string together a proper attack. The two continue their fight just outside city hall which Bane has taken over and made it into his army's headquarters (the kangaroo court with Scarecrow presiding as judge takes place here).

Just outside the city hall, Batman manages to damage Bane's mask. Bane loses the plot and demolishes everything in his path. He gasses himself and his body gives out as the pain is too much for him to bear and in his last moments, he mentions how they are connected through a type of twisted brotherhood which is held together by both mens' tragic upbringings. He admits defeat and tells Bruce that he is indeed worthy to inherit the Ra's al Ghul title but he automatically knows that Bruce will do good and will have nothing to do with it, he also accepts that Batman is a superior adversary. Bane knowing that Bruce will not kill him, still asks for an honorable warrior's death, Batman as expected refuses and simply leaves Bane in a mess as his body begins to shut down from severe withdrawals as Bane's reign of terror comes to an end.

Batman makes his way inside and there he finds Miranda Tate with members of the League guarding her. The League hold Batman up with weapons as Tate reveals to Batman that she knew who Bruce was all along and how she enlisted Daggett to work for the League and hand over W.E. equipment and vehicles to the group. Daggett was sent to death by exile and was basically being used as a puppet by the League; she is simply trying to finish what her father started. What she didn't expect though was falling in love with Bruce and bearing his child. This plan is revealed to have been set in motion well before the events of the film, Tate planted herself within Bruce's organization and yes, she is Bruce's love interest through out the movie.

Tate cannot bring herself to kill Bruce but after being reminded that this was the man who killed your father by one of her men she struggles, Bruce attempts to justify his actions by saying that Gotham can be saved and even though he let Ra's die, it was Ra's who put himself on that train with no escape - it was a death trap. Tate tells Wayne to look around and asks if Gotham is still worth saving... Bruce replies, "Yes". Tate closes in towards Batman looking as though she is going to embrace him but she ends up piercing Bruce's side, leaving him to die. Tate and her men leave the area as Tate takes the HEMTT (which contains the W.M.D.) and her men take the Tumblers.

Selina comes across Bruce who is dying on the floor inside city hall. She helps Bruce to his feet. Bruce insists that he must stop Tate from escaping with the bomb. Selina though frustrated at Batman earlier for going above what is required to save the city, says that she'll aid him in any way possible. A weakened Bruce takes the Bat as Selina takes the Bat-pod and the two give chase. Batman gets the locations of the Tumblers with the Bat (the Bat is able to track down the Tumblers as they both share the W.E. network/grid system) and is able to track down the HEMTT's position by locking onto the Tumblers, he goes in pursuit. Selina on the Bat-pod tails not far behind.

Batman finally reaches the Tumblers and manages to take both of them out with missiles. Tate is a passenger in the HEMTT while one of her men steers the wheel. Batman devises a strategy and circles around the block, managing to come face to face with the HEMTT. In a scene reminiscent of the chicken run between the Joker and Batman, Batman flies the Bat low as the HEMTT ploughs ahead. Batman fires off a few missiles as they hit the HEMTT and sends the truck crashing through a barrier, off the edge of a gap and into the ground below. Bruce did not expect this to happen and is in shock.

Bruce lands the Bat and stumbles out. Selina reaches Bruce but Bruce collapses from his stab wound. With not much time left, Bruce tells Selina to check the wreckage out as his family is in there, Selina does so and comes across Tate who is barely alive. She rescues Tate from the crash site as the GPD task force led by Blake have been following the two and surround the area off. Tate tells Selina to deliver a message to Bruce for her and that is no matter what Bruce may feel towards her, she only wants one thing - his forgiveness. As the GPD are left to deal with the remaining League members, Blake and Selina head back up to Bruce. Selina relays the information to Bruce and Bruce accepts her apology in a heart-wrenching moment.

Bruce says he must do one last thing and asks Blake for a favor if he manages to get the bomb away from the city and that is to take care of the child that Tate is carrying. Blake accepts this as Bruce asks Blake for support from the GPD in rigging the bomb to the Bat. After that is done, Bruce takes the Bat with the bomb high up into the sky and as he is doing so, Bruce's final thoughts are of his parents in a emotional scene. Bruce manages to go as far up as possible as the bomb goes off which sends off a huge shock wave down below that still manages to rock the city from afar.

Everyone looks into the sky, Selina has tears in her eyes as well as Tate who is cuffed and is being held by some GPD officers, Blake looks on sadly as members of the GPD rejoice in the streets.

Gotham is rebuilt in a wonderfully shot time lapsed montage as people are seen to be gathering in the city square. There, is a recovered Gordon who delivers a powerful speech about how Dent fell and how Batman picked up where Dent left off and how he gave his life to save the city. Behind Gordon, is an American flag draped over a casket that is being used to signify Batman and in the background is a monument that is covered up. The cover comes off and it's the infamous spot light with the Bat symbol squarely in the middle. The city of Gotham finally accepts Batman as the savior of the city as Gordon mentions how the legend of the Batman will live on forever as the newly rejuvenated GPD fire off a three-shot salute.

Selina and Blake (who is now cradling a baby) head to the Wayne's grave site which has four tombstones (Martha, Thomas, Alfred and Bruce) and she places a rose at the base of Wayne's tombstone as Blake looks on. She mentions that Blake hasn't decided on a name yet for the child so she suggests that the baby should take the name of a great man she once knew.
Note: I will not reveal who I am and will not be answering any private messages.