
HOLGang President U.N.I.T. Representative
May 6, 2012
Charlotte by way of Chucktown What
HOLY MOLEY DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FOLEY, this is a great film. It's not a summer blockbuster by any means, and yet, it totally is (if that makes sense). The biggest question everyone asks: "is it better than TDK?" and I'll answer that by saying it's really different. Everything's different. The characters are different (even Bruce at first), the tone is different, and the story is different. But everything is BIGGER and, in my eyes, better. I love the Joker as much as anyone else (my favorite villain in any medium) but Bane's plan is more creative, better executed, and a little more fun to watch as it all unfold.

I also don't want to get into story specifics because there's really no need, but listen...if you've followed this forum like I have and read most of the "spoilers" over the past few months, I can tell you that many of us have guessed correctly on many of the various story tidbits that have come our way. Still, that doesn't make this film any less exciting to watch and there are PLENTY of surprises still in store (scenes, moments, plot points). I beg you all: DON'T READ SPOILER REVIEWS. You're all so close! Why would you want to read specific quotations and the fates of characters and the film's ending? I'll never understand that.
One HUGE thing everyone will want to know is that Bane is completely audible. I saw the prologue at the same theater I saw this film (Lincoln Square iIMAX NYC) and I can tell you that right from the start, I noticed that Bane's dialogue had either been boosted up or re-dubbed (some lines seemed a little different). And there was no problem hearing him through the rest of the film, maybe one or two lines I missed. Overall, though, Gordon is the person I had the most trouble making out a times, and I also had this problem during TDK in theaters.

All of the actors are at the top of the game. Anne Hathaway completely blew me away, and this is coming from a guy who really isn't a fan of any of her other movies. She has her own little musical theme and represents many of the film's most comic-booky moments. I practically fell head over heels in love with her during the film. Selina's motivation during the first half of the film is a little lame, but she plays an intricate role in the entire film and it wouldn't be the same without her. The dynamic between her and Batman is wayyyy better and more fleshed out than it was in Batman Returns, mainly because Selina is a much more believable character and more like her comic book counterpart.

Other quick things: The Bane>Batman beatdown that we all know is coming completely blew me away, more than I thought it would. There's no music backing this scene at all, which makes it all the more powerful.

I LOVE the way Batman fights in this film whenever he does. When he fights, he roars and screams with anger and range, especially when he faces Bane. I also think his suit looks 100x better than it did in TDK for some reason.

The music was incredible, as we all knew it would be. Can't even begin to explain this to you but the final minutes had me in tears.

I really liked Blake's character. Not spoiling anything about him, but he is strongly tied into the story and has interactions with pretty much all the major characters. He will certainly represent one of the biggest talking points about the film...and no, his name is not dikk Grayson.

I'm almost afraid to post this after KOF's reactions, but i just got out of an exhibitor screening in Dallas of TDKR. It was absolutely incredible. Better than TDK in almost all ways. Whoever gave this a 9/10 is being too harsh. If this isn't a 10, then a 10 does not exist.

Let me start with the story. The story is tied in perfectly to the other two films and I do believe this is a perfect trilogy. Quite a bit of the speculation on these boards is very close to the truth, but there are many aspects of the story that have not been speculated about. Expect a few good surprises.

The performances of the actors are magnificent. I can't decide if Anne Hathaway, JGL, Hardy, or Bale give the best performance. Anne Hathaway flirts the line between sexy and vicious very well. She is a bad broad. She captures the ambiguity of her character very well and looks sexy as hell in her get-up. JGL is basically the heart of Gotham during the film. He is a young cop who quickly earns the respect of Gordon during this time. His character is VERY important to the story. Bale gives his best Batman performance yet. The voice is perfect the entire time and you see him go through several
changes as a person in this film. Hardy is a bad bad dude. His performance is truly brillaint when you consider the obstacles of the mask. There are a few takes that the audio seems a little off from his expressions but all in all, he is great. The emotion he shows with his eyes, particularly towards the end is really something.

The score, cinematography, and editing are top notch. I unfortunately did not watch this in the best of theaters and that may have taken away from some of the brilliance of it. I can't wait to watch it again in IMAX, because there are several scenes that were obviously paired down for the smaller screen.

Rest easy everyone, Chris Nolan has outdone himself and has created a masterpiece. This may go down as one of the best movies ever. Certainly in my top 10 for best movies I've ever seen. If this does not break the mold and win Best Picture, no comic book movie ever will.


May 1, 2012
I wonder if the morning viewings (7-9am) for the DKR will be crowded? :noah:
May 9, 2012
SuperHeroHype: 10/10

"I'm almost afraid to post this after KOF's reactions, but i just got out of an exhibitor screening in Dallas of TDKR. It was absolutely incredible. Better than TDK in almost all ways. Whoever gave this a 9/10 is being too harsh. If this isn't a 10, then a 10 does not exist.

Let me start with the story. The story is tied in perfectly to the other two films and I do believe this is a perfect trilogy. Quite a bit of the speculation on these boards is very close to the truth, but there are many aspects of the story that have not been speculated about. Expect a few good surprises.

The performances of the actors are magnificent. I can't decide if Anne Hathaway, JGL, Hardy, or Bale give the best performance. Anne Hathaway flirts the line between sexy and vicious very well. She is a bad broad. She captures the ambiguity of her character very well and looks sexy as hell in her get-up. JGL is basically the heart of Gotham during the film. He is a young cop who quickly earns the respect of Gordon during this time. His character is VERY important to the story. Bale gives his best Batman performance yet. The voice is perfect the entire time and you see him go through several changes as a person in this film. Hardy is a bad bad dude. His performance is truly brillaint when you consider the obstacles of the mask. There are a few takes that the audio seems a little off from his expressions but all in all, he is great. The emotion he shows with his eyes, particularly towards the end is really something.

The score, cinematography, and editing are top notch. I unfortunately did not watch this in the best of theaters and that may have taken away from some of the brilliance of it. I can't wait to watch it again in IMAX, because there are several scenes that were obviously paired down for the smaller screen.

Rest easy everyone, Chris Nolan has outdone himself and has created a masterpiece. This may go down as one of the best movies ever. Certainly in my top 10 for best movies I've ever seen. If this does not break the mold and win Best Picture, no comic book movie ever will."

"may go down as one of the best movies ever"


May 26, 2012
