Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
It's crazy how Maia is barely getting any criticism for the fight being boring. Woodley fought the right fight. Had he went in there all Gung ho like Masvidal did, he probably wouldn't be champ atm. He carefull picked his shots, and kept himself from within arms reach of the goat BJJ specialist.
Thats what pissing me off about this....
Maia has ALWAYS to me been a boring fighter.... I man looking back at arguably Andersons most boring fight was the fight with Maia. If Maia had it his way, he's one of the cats that loves to ground people and waste rounds by smothering with BJJ.
It takes 2 people to make a fight boring and its crazy how Maia always gets absolved from criticism.
Why doesnt anyone ask Maia why doesnt he just square up and fight?