damn!!!! Yvette Carnell is going in on Tariq Nasheed!!!! FBA VS ADOS


Nov 5, 2015
I mean we see this aint even about Tariq anymore. its about preventing folks from listening to his shows and IG Lives where he shuts the bullshyt completely down in a way that even teenagers can understand. That is the problem. Yvette and Tone got a way of talking over folks and its not a matter of intellect or education its about having communication skills that can can help the black people you're talking to. They both would deflect away from very valid points Tariq brought up such as Democrats being unwilling to specifically address us and how is another conference competing with yours etc

Anyone with a basic education can understand tone and Yvette

Tariq speaks to black backpackers, he always has, the 23 an under crowds

Yvett and tone's crowd is blacks with common sense an willing to do the work


May 20, 2012
Wrong, you have to listen to what tone said on his last show and the tweets

Ados from what he said is basically another democratic group and they( him and yvette) want people to vote for all these other democrats but don't vote for a democratic president unless they have a black agenda that includes reparations. That is why so many people are confused

The second thing you wrote is you being in your feelings about shyt tariq and others called out. Some Ados are opening their eyes and calling a lot of these non ados people out and now they want to cry and pretend it isn't true. Ados aint putting up with that anti-ados talk anymore

There was no talk about democrats when ADOS first started. It was always political and about getting reparations though. I'm not defending yvette or tone. What ADOS is now is now is not what they orginally stated it was supposed to be about. And that's on tone and Yvette.

And Saying black immigrants are bringing in aids or blaming their heritage for crimes is not calling people out. It's racist and xenophobic and undermines your credibility. And if you defend that nonsense you are a clown too.

Stop projecting your falsehoods, underlined in your insecurities.
None of that stuff ever applied to the Ados movement, but was mainly attached by agents,shills, and non-Ados opportunists. If got that, that's a you problem; for not excercising due in doing your ressearch. Or at minimum using common sense instead of being swayed by faulty emotion!
And lastly...too late for whom? :childplease:

If that was the case Yvette wouldnt be doing videos denouncing Tariq and those very things i mentioned that undermined the movement.


Nov 5, 2015
Yvette and Tone telling us to vote down ballot democrat without demanding tangibles speaks for itself.

And your lack of knowledge speaks for itself

Black Agenda – #ADOS

We have a whole website regarding the black-agenda and pushing reparations since day 1, helped get kamala shutdown for having no black-agenda

If that's not pushing for tangibles, what the fucc is!!

Just cause you, dont read what's on the site
Dont watch the vids, or do the work. Doesnt mean it's not getting done.

If you don't know enough keep your mouth shut and do your research, cause you sounding slow out here


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
It's weird that tone and yvette were so caught up on the FBA conference shyt. They keep saying it was direct competition, when he said his was a cultural conference and they were strickly politics. What Tariq described was an extremely small scaled Essence Fest. They have all kinds of shyt from Music, to Tyler Perry speaking on entrepreneurship, to politicians speaking. That's not what Ados conference is.

They got that NY Times article and they felt like they "made it" and needed any reason to distance themselves from Tariq. How them tweets about Trump turn into "well we don't like FBA conference"?


May 20, 2012
I disagree here. I think that it will be used in the future as legally recognized disinction on census, school & job applications. I am in support of this, and of anything earmarked for AAs to go strictly to people of that descent. I don't think any changes going forward will have any effect on the academic/professional progress of individuals of international descent. There was a narrative of immigrants only succeeding by siphoning resources meant for AAs, and I say let's see .

Those elements of rhetoric were,in fact, attached to messages coming out of YC/AM and tariq camps.It became enough of a problem that Prof. Darity altered the tagline of his social media to CONFIRM that he doesn't cosign everything that those using the hashtag posted.

There's a famous line Bill Russell gave in a speech before. "If I can convince people that you are the enemy, that gives me permission to do anything to you without the people batting an eye".There were lies,distortions, and reaching used as justification for the Black immigrant bashing.
People acting like that element wasn't embedded in the early presentation of the hashtags, need to go back and read the threads calling it out case by case.
One of the reaches was something that resurfaced in this thread. Post #663.

I could never figure out why anybody felt they had to lie about other groups to bolster their case for another group to come together.
Also, we challenged and refuted some of the blatant lies and reaches with evidence , and I began to wonder why the same myths were still being repeated.

That sentiment reached it's natural evoluon with the way tariq nasheed framed the murder of the Clark student by the man of Haitian descent. but he weaponized ethnicity a long time ago.

The logic of thinking black immigrants were taking AA resources was always faulty cause black immigrants are a relatively small group compared to other immigrant groups like Hispanics which benefit the most from broad "minority" programs. Plus with things like affirmative action white women and gays were the main beneficiaries. It was always misguided and misplaced energy. But black immigrants are the easy targets cause they are afraid to go at Hispanics and whites directly.

And I'm not defending Yvette or tone. They are complicit and had no problem with associating with Tariq when it benefited them when they knew all the vitrol he was spewing and never denounced it. They only have a problem now that he is targeting them directly. Now they wanna call all of it out and act righteous.

Squirrel from Meteor Man

Apr 16, 2015
It's weird that tone and yvette were so caught up on the FBA conference shyt. They keep saying it was direct competition, when he said his was a cultural conference and they were strickly politics. What Tariq described was an extremely small scaled Essence Fest. They have all kinds of shyt from Music, to Tyler Perry speaking on entrepreneurship, to politicians speaking. That's not what Ados conference is.

They got that NY Times article and they felt like they "made it" and needed any reason to distance themselves from Tariq. How them tweets about Trump turn into "well we don't like FBA conference"?
It was not strictly culture. He specifically mentioned politics and discussing how to make PACs. Everything he’s saying as of the last few days are straight up lies.

What he first described is the OPPOSITE of the Essence Festival. The Essence Festival is full of music and fraternization. He said this was for serious business and getting on code. Now it’s a party for the culture :mjlol:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Whatever she said, she said in a respectful manner

Here is a honest question for you, what did she say that was false
she pulled out the "haiti" thing as if that was a trump card, while he was literally doing a documentary about haiti and was at that point 4 films deep into black history and economics and initiatives.

I mean i completely disagree with his zero-sum voting game, as there is always a better option and sitting out ensures the thing you never wanted but to say he's "new to this space" is a lie

Tariq arguably jump started this whole black consciousness wave online so to ignore his points about "ADOS being a lineage and an organization" could be confusing if he himself who has been targeted by the federal government, had swat teams run in his house, has arguably been the subject of numerous hit pieces from all levels of government...its just being disingenuous and obstructionist.

Remember, Tariq only responded because he kept getting hit by Yvette and Tone Talks... Hell...90% of the coli agreed with that one Trump post about black history! He felt that if this is a lineage, thats one thing, but if its a group then he's wary of those because of MSM desires to put him in an ideological box. https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tru...getting-credit-for-it-hes-still-trash.736839/

I agree with Yvette and Antonio on quite a bit (i think their reparations push is setting themselves up for failure without a more realistic policy goal in the short term) but to say Tariq is a late comer is a flat out lie. The man single-handedly created that space online...independently.
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The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
It was not strictly culture. He specifically mentioned politics and discussing how to make PACs. Everything he’s saying as of the last few days are straight up lies.

What he first described is the OPPOSITE of the Essence Festival. The Essence Festival is full of music and fraternization. He said this was for serious business and getting on code. Now it’s a party for the culture :mjlol:
he said it was cultural. meaning it wasn't JUST politics. He said, health, business, networking, politics, etc... And it's still weird that them "checking" him for the Trump tweets immediately went into "and that FBA conference shyt..."

No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
he said it was cultural. meaning it wasn't JUST politics. He said, health, business, networking, politics, etc... And it's still weird that them "checking" him for the Trump tweets immediately went into "and that FBA conference shyt..."

The Trump tweet checks was for some of the same shyt that Yvette had already agreed with.

Which he clear states here that his event would be different than theirs.

Mark 1:31