I disagree here. I think that it will be used in the future as legally recognized disinction on census, school & job applications. I am in support of this, and of anything earmarked
for AAs to go strictly
to people of that descent. I don't think any changes going forward will have any effect on the academic/professional progress of individuals of international descent. There was a narrative of immigrants only succeeding by siphoning resources meant for AAs, and I say let's see .
Those elements of rhetoric were,in fact, attached to messages coming out of YC/AM and tariq camps.It became enough of a problem that Prof. Darity altered the tagline of his social media to CONFIRM that he doesn't cosign everything that those using the hashtag posted.
There's a famous line Bill Russell gave in a speech before. "If I can convince people that you are the enemy, that gives me permission to do anything to you without the people batting an eye".There were lies,distortions, and reaching used as justification for the Black immigrant bashing.
People acting like that element wasn't embedded in the early presentation of the hashtags, need to go back and read the threads calling it out case by case.
One of the reaches was something that resurfaced in this thread. Post #663.
I could never figure out why anybody felt they had to lie about other groups to bolster their case for another group to come together.
Also, we challenged and refuted some of the blatant lies and reaches with evidence , and I began to wonder why the same myths were still being repeated.
That sentiment reached it's natural evoluon with the way tariq nasheed framed the murder of the Clark student by the man of Haitian descent. but he weaponized ethnicity a long time ago.