I don't have the energy to go in on Yvette right now or clear up some of the misconceptions about her stances, but this exchange is key.
The ados identity group distinction is part deliberate, but it's mostly because Yvette and Tone didn't have anything in place
Everything from ados merch to ados local meetups (an idea Irami was big on) was first done by other people that took the initiative. There were dos and ados fb pages before Tone threw together that official wordpress site in 5 minutes after MSNBC attacked #ados.
The confusion that Tariq honed in on is because Yvette and Tone were propelled (helped by Tariq) into a moment they thought up, but ultimately weren't ready for.
Yvette and Tone gave Trump a chance in 16/17 to see what he would do (the context for her videos) and now they see the Democrats are the only option and they are thus are pressing them with some pretty good results so far. They are meeting with CBC leaders and pressuring black orgs over this Byron Allen case.
This is ultimately the work they sought to do and the work anyone who is serious will eventually have to do. Ppl now calling them DNC operatives are making shyt up. Tariq being non-committal at this stage all the while making tweets that can be misconstrued as Trump support shows that he not being smart about this either.
That said, Tone and Yvette mishandling this and trying to break away from Tariq in this way after he propelled "the wave" is disingenuous. Everybody is catching L's right now.
Do your homework, you dont know enough..loo
I've been on this since day 1, yvette and tone was on ADOS before trump got elected, before 2016.
If your gonna respond have RECEIPTS
And OF COURSE were putting pressure on dems when they receive more ADOS votes then anyone
What's your point?
Since day 1 we have said we are willing to meet with anyone who will do something SPECIFICALLY for ADOS....that has always been said, do you not know how politics work?
And why wouldnt we put pressure on the CBC to support that case will invoke the 1866 civil rights act that protects black business that there trying to destroy THIS WEEK....WHY IN FUCC WOULDNT WE SUPPORT THAT..
It's not dem or bust, it's if we cant get what we want, we show up an down ballot vote for no sides, we write in candidate.
ADOS is like a straight line that never curves
We've been focused
Were all about the data
And reparations/black agenda for ADOS people
Were not here to roast
Were not here to be popular
Were not here to ride a wave
Were not to say all lives matter
Were here for the black agenda and reparations for American descendants of slaves
That's it, no more, no less.
Tariq's stance hasn't changed that