powerless black immigrants...
The fact that many on here ignore or don't know the genesis of this "black immigrant" discussion is troubling, but not surprising. Tone and Yvette didn't come up with this research (though they've been admittedly somewhat irresponsible in coveying it).
Beyond the numbers, anyone who decides to tie themselves to the immigrant narrative in this country without acknowledging that's it's been a weapon used against black Americans doesn't understand what America is. We can't get through to folks who treat this place like a nationwide opportunity zone.
There's no place of unaccountability where immigrants get to stack money and be apolitical. If it was just about power, then there would be no point in holding black American's accountable either, given our lack of relative power.
Supporting the anti-black DNC coalition or supporting the inept Pan-African movement isn't working right now. Going with the rep opposition won't work either. I applaud everyone for coming up with different strategies, but we need to reach a general understanding of where Black America has been and where we are now