Thanks -- and I agree with some of your points. But, I'm not overthinking Tariq.
This is about morals, respect, connected upbringing and self-love. Tariq appears to lack them all.
He is a major problem. This is a GROWN ass man who influences many younger and sadly older Black men (women) GLOBALLY.
Those ADOS who gave him a chance should have known Tariq was loyal to NO ONE - look how quick he switched up on his large African and Caribbean followers who have been supporting him for decades.
As I mentioned in my post - what person who respects and values their people -- encourages additional terms/SLURS (since the N-Word is out there all ready) to be hurled/used on each-other. It's encouraging even more unnecessary shame and disrespect.
Being that they are historically hurtful, painful terms, forced positions and caricatures --- and low-key we are still called that by Whites.
Northam denies being in racist photos; asks Virginians for forgiveness
Now, we have the descendants of these enslaved people calling eachother these terms. And calling other Black people globally these terms - aka "Afri-c00ns" which is just as SICK as the original term and intent.
That's why the Coli and Black social media in general -- loves the word "C00n" -- and now ADOS and Black people globally whose people/ancestors were thankfully never called that -- are now using it like the word "THE" -- not truly understanding why they shouldn't be using it.
Black folks (globally) be sounding like the Whites in this doc.