You called him, and his followers out about this for years. You are publicly identified as an African American woman. This ignoring / disregarding the blatant contradiction of promoting klan/slaver language while pretending to promote Black empowerment is what opened up his fans to give him passes for every other questionable move he's done.
tariq's national/ethnic pride movement rings false, based on his OWN past comments and tone against African American women.
When YC brought just one example of this..tariq opining that single Black woman households should not be entitled to reparations...............he couldn't own up to the truth...and instead LYING & hiding behind that "national/ethnic pride movement"........................."I was saying that non FBA women would't be entitled"
tariq belittles and trivilializes ethnic identity by playing these types of games, and by promoting them to exploit his followers. He makes a mockery out of people who know and respect their cultures and history
Thanks honey for acknowledging this.

This whole "FBA" movement should be eye-opening for those who know about Tariq and never like -- nor supported him. And to those who support him - then and now.
This man was and IS still dealing with the self-hate and unnecessary shame that many times comes with being a Black American - specifically a descendant of the enslaved from America (Colonial and Anthebellum era).
Especially, when raised in a ADOS family who is disconnected or for some reason ashamed of their ancestors/families experience. Maybe leaving Alabama to Cali early in life caused this - who knows.
But, the proof is all up and through his entire history -- from his statesments on BW, his Anthebellum vocabulary -- to the projects he creates.
*HIDDEN COLORS Series and "1804"
I always thought it was weird and telling that he focused on other Black cultures (Many African, Haitian, etc) instead of his very own.
Its MANY Hidden Colors/people in and from Black America - during enslavement period and after Emancipation. And from Reconstruction and beyond - that the masses do not know about.
Now hes claiming FBA and faux pride of being a descendant of the enslaved -- when he has NEVER shown any love and appreciation in the form of knowing our history and our stories as Black Americans/ADOS.
I have never seen a Haitian or Haitian-American or CDOS speak on their ancestors enslavement in a disrespectful way - nor encourage usage of demeaning historical WS terms that were used to describe them.
His comment on the 1866 CRA and using "buck breaking" as title for another one of faux-umentaries - again shows this man lacks respect for himself and the so called "FBA's" -- but also a massive void of education/knowledge of our history and experience - from 1539/1619 to now.
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