That's one way to look at it. But given poor white america's support for small government, that doesn't really hold up. A better way to look at it is that the left and right differ in their opinions on who the "rich people," or more precisely, the disproportionately empowered people are and where that power comes from.
I don't think people are confused about who is rich.
I'd rather fall back on @
DEAD7 's definition because the evidence shows that rural = right wing and urban = left wing. There are voting maps that show this very clearly. Rural people naturally want local government because they feel they're more independent livers and want to keep city slickers, corporations, and politicians out of it. Urban people want a larger federal government to guarantee solutions to those social problems that get so much more complex in dense populations. Meanwhile, the rural folks say "you're fukking idiots" and "lay in the bed you made" (without realizing how much the industrial, medical, and technological revolutions have brought them), and the urban folks say "hey a$$hole, quit being so selfish" and "we didn't make this fukking bed" (while sometimes not taking enough responsibility).