51 hours in... there's literally no way in hell any of the reviewers saw even 1/10 of the content in the day 1 reviews, I've put in some serious work into the sidequest and gigs and I'm STILL getting new quests in the 3rd act along with developments to earlier arcs

Even if you only play the "main character" side content, that by itself would likely take you about 40-50 hours to complete and particularly if you're not fast traveling all of the time. I'd lowkey feel bad if that was your playthrough though because then you'd obviously be missing out on a lot of the cyberware upgrade paths, the crafting, the surpisingly fleshed out gig storylines, etc.
Also, its only now after 50+ hours that I'm beginning to know my way around the city. This is the very first open world game that I would love to return to in VR, if this city became multiplayer I think this shyt would become borderline WoW levels of addicting

The first video game world you could literally get lost in and mistake it for being a real place... even in 2D viewing space it's crazy to experience this level of world in a video game.