So I began my playthrough yesterday, I started two different lifepaths.
Corpo on Ps5.
Nomad on Ps4Pro.
Admittedly the Ps5 version is a HUGE improvement as far as framerate and load times are concerned
but the Pro version isn't "poor", it's actually OKAY. I wouldn't say it's great and I hesitate to say
it's good but it's certainly playable.
Honestly, I feel a lot of the issues currently facing Cyberpunk are directly related to seemingly
never considering the base consoles. They knew it performed poorly, they knew it needed
considerably more optimization and they should've focused on that.
Gameplay wise (at least up to the Dexter Deshawn mission) it's really not doing anything that you
can't already do in a title like say Watch Dogs or Deus Ex or Fallout 4. They clearly nicked and borrowed
several ideas from those titles. And the way I look at it, one of those ideas should've been to consider
console from the jump.
We'd all have a better game for it because the focus on optimizing Ps4/Pro/One/S & X would've
only made the other versions run that much faster.