the man sounds like he is sleep walking through life. a weekend at bernies in the booth type of MC
Funny enough he has a project by that name.
So I didn’t get currensy at all. I’ve been an alchemist fan for forever and when I heard he did a project with currensy I checked out pilot talk 1 and 2. For a guy that goes by “spitta” he sounded lazy and boring to me. I was expecting a rapid fire flow or at least a razor sharp one.
But I kept listening to PT1 and PT2 because of the Ski production and after a couple weeks I started digging Currensy’s whole style, and Covert Coup became one of my favorite EPs ever.
I’m Not trying to sell you on him. Maybe you’ve given him a fair listen and still don’t like him. It may not end up ever being dope to you. I’m just saying that for me and at least a couple other people I know...we all didn’t like him at all right away. His style is an acquired taste. He’s definitely one note, but I think he plays it well.