Cuomo Declares a State of Emergency for NYC Subways: Update 7/26 - MTA submits 2 phase $9bil plan


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
Everytime I read on London’s congestion pricing it’s always noted that it was a success
yeh they were successful implementing it

the traffic is as bad as its ever been what it was supposed to accomplish didnt.

and a new expense was levied that really is just a tax

and someone typed earlier

narrower avenues make traffic slower ( for the purpose of "safety") which absolutely doesnt make things safer...since it makes it more likely that someone has less time to react to traffic.

...and if you slow traffic on purpose of course thats going to cause congestion - saying now that you need to address the problem ( that you created by making traffic go slower ) has been why many people object to the city saying they NEED this toll because of "congestion".

but again there has been a shift in the DOT and "progressive" administrators that is more about an idealized view of design for the city.... that has more to do with enacting their ideology rather than actually developing policy of traffic to move efficiently.

you have had here in NYC with Trottenberg and Sadik kahn a group of people who are very much "cars are bad " - and on purpose, have made conditions to drive worse, not better- which is not what they should have done but - this is america where politics is now team sport not about policy thats good for everyone its about adhering to an ideology....

its not just the Rightwing ideologues creating slanted policy - its now the left wing ideolgues implementing policy and damn anything that runs contrary to it.

Commissioners who are of a view that " cars are bad " and they are in charge of car traffic, is like saying you want a policy that's inclusive of all races and then follow it up with " but blacks are bad "

over 300million trips were taken into manhtattan by cars - they werent just being taken into that area for shyts....-

and again none has answered the glaring question which is -

if the air gets no clearer and the traffic gets no better.....

then what?


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
The MTA needs to build a new subway on northern Blvd to lower capacity on the 7 line.

Also needs to extend the the 3 line down Utica Avenue to kings plaza because Utica Avenue is about to get rezoned for a lot of housing.

Both plans should be elevated subways
but youd have to displace people and businesses to do that construction- 2nd ave was 3 stops in over 10 years ( and 1000s of millions of dollars ) ....and plenty of smaller businesses lost during that 10 years which were economically quite properous for the city ...thats not the case at all now. the city cant afford to lose businesses

and of course in certain areas especially in brooklyn you cant have an elevated subway because the ground wont support it or the neighborhoods dont want an elevated subway


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
yeh they were successful implementing it

the traffic is as bad as its ever been what it was supposed to accomplish didnt.

and a new expense was levied that really is just a tax

and someone typed earlier

narrower avenues make traffic slower ( for the purpose of "safety") which absolutely doesnt make things safer...since it makes it more likely that someone has less time to react to traffic.

...and if you slow traffic on purpose of course thats going to cause congestion - saying now that you need to address the problem ( that you created by making traffic go slower ) has been why many people object to the city saying they NEED this toll because of "congestion".

but again there has been a shift in the DOT and "progressive" administrators that is more about an idealized view of design for the city.... that has more to do with enacting their ideology rather than actually developing policy of traffic to move efficiently.

you have had here in NYC with Trottenberg and Sadik kahn a group of people who are very much "cars are bad " - and on purpose, have made conditions to drive worse, not better- which is not what they should have done but - this is america where politics is now team sport not about policy thats good for everyone its about adhering to an ideology....

its not just the Rightwing ideologues creating slanted policy - its now the left wing ideolgues implementing policy and damn anything that runs contrary to it.

Commissioners who are of a view that " cars are bad " and they are in charge of car traffic, is like saying you want a policy that's inclusive of all races and then follow it up with " but blacks are bad "

over 300million trips were taken into manhtattan by cars - they werent just being taken into that area for shyts....-

and again none has answered the glaring question which is -

if the air gets no clearer and the traffic gets no better.....

then what?
Slower traffic is safer because the slower a car is when it hits someone the less likely it is to be fatal


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
but youd have to displace people and businesses to do that construction- 2nd ave was 3 stops in over 10 years ( and 1000s of millions of dollars ) ....and plenty of smaller businesses lost during that 10 years which were economically quite properous for the city ...thats not the case at all now. the city cant afford to lose businesses

and of course in certain areas especially in brooklyn you cant have an elevated subway because the ground wont support it or the neighborhoods dont want an elevated subway
If you live in a city it should be common sense that things are going to be developed to make the quality of living for the majority of people better.

The irony of your statement is that in nyc wherever a subway is there are thousands of businesses while places that lack subways are complete deserts.

You need a car in almost every transit desert in NY and you can’t even walk easily to a corner store.

Example - southeast and northeast Queens and most of Staten Island, and Bergen Beach Brooklyn.

Also nyc is dense. One train line should never be enough in a dense community. The 7 line can’t take care of the entire northern Queens alone.


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
If you live in a city it should be common sense that things are going to be developed to make the quality of living for the majority of people better.

The irony of your statement is that in nyc wherever a subway is there are thousands of businesses while places that lack subways are complete deserts.

You need a car in almost every transit desert in NY and you can’t even walk easily to a corner store.

Example - southeast and northeast Queens and most of Staten Island, and Bergen Beach Brooklyn.

Also nyc is dense. One train line should never be enough in a dense community. The 7 line can’t take care of the entire northern Queens alone.
Agreed but at the present rate the way the MTA functions and the need for transports it makes more sense to expand and recine the bus service not try to build a train line where one doesn't exist

Slower traffic is safer because the slower a car is when it hits someone the less likely it is to be fatal
And again that defeats the purpose of less congestion- if you make traffic slow its going to cause congestion and the reason you have traffic is becuase of the volume of cars and trucks that have to pass to service the increased population ...

8Th Avenue in Manhattan was crowded 5 years ago but even during rush hour it moved fairly quickly - 10 years before before Uber and Lyft exploded it moved even at the height of rush-hour....

8th had 6 lanes even with a dedicated bus lane and moved but now its a standstill and a fukking mess being reduced to 2 lanes becuase of the focus on narrowing avenues...this makes no sense.
To take a main artery that was 6 lanes wide and reduce it to 2 lanes over 10 yrs later when both traffic and car service and population have grown is asinine....


Rhyme Reason
May 11, 2012
got a call for three nines


All Star
Oct 30, 2014

not for nothing but lenox and st nick dont need a subway .... like wtf

east Brooklyn needs subways - east queens and the rockaways - hell there are places in the bronx that would need a subway or at least a line that gets you from east to west easily

this is the kind of shyt that just makes me shake my head at this sort of thing - the whole of the area shes talking about is serviced by buses has a train line within 10minutes of walking and is WALKABLE....